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Meow Updates

Daily Bruin's Twitter and Facebook poster

[NEW] Dev environment using Docker Compose

We've switched over to a Procfile (Heroku/Flynn/Dokku) based system for configuring and deploying our system! In most scenarios, a git push <server-remote> master will be sufficient to deploy the service. We've also paired this with a newer, leaner and hopefully easier way to develop meow using a Docker Compose based workflow. Should our compute needs and resources grow in the future, we could also switch to a complete Docker deploy pipeline.

There are some additional commands required for Windows users that will be mentioned in the comments.

0. Grab this repo, create an .env

git clone - clones the repo cd meow - enter the directory echo "REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379/\nDATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@db:5432/postgres" > .env - bare minimum ENV variables, ensure that the newline character is implemented in the .env file
dos2unix .env - for WINDOWS users only, ensures that .env file will on run on Linux

1. Build images

docker-compose build - builds and pulls the relevant Docker images

2. Run migrations

docker-compose run web meow/ migrate - run the migrations
dos2unix - for WINDOWS users only
find ./ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \; - for WINDOWS users only

3. Initialize some variables

docker-compose run web meow/ init - initialize some of the runtime config necessary for meow to run

Most of these can be left blank for now. You can create your own Twitter/Facebook apps for this, or ask one of the PMs/editors for the keys to some test accounts.

4. Create a superuser

docker-compose run web meow/ createsuperuser
winpty ./ createsuperuser - for WINDOWS users only

5. Use that to configure Celery beat for sending out our social media posts!

Navigate to Login with your created superuser and create a periodic task to send out the posts!

[DEPRECATED] Installation instructions

1. Install system packages

These instructions are meant for Ubuntu. If you are using something other than ubuntu, find the packages on your own.

With Vagrant

If you want to use Vagrant, clone this repo and vagrant up will automatically install everything in this section.

Without Vagrant

Install the required packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools python-dev fabric git postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.1 sendmail

2. Create a virtual environment (optional)

I prefer virtualenvwrapper since virtualenv depends on symlinks and VirtualBox shared folders don't support symlinks.

Install it like this:

sudo easy_install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

And add this line to your .bashrc:

source /usr/local/bin/

Make a virtualenv:

mkvirtualenv meow

And activate the vitualenv (it does this automatically after creating it):

workon meow

To deactiveate...


3. Install python packages

Install psycopg2 (a postgres adapter) outside of your virtualenv

easy_install psycopg2

Then within your virtualenv install everything in requirements.txt within this repo

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Configure django

Configure your database in django. For development environments, open /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf in a text editor (you may need to install something like vim) and, around line 84, change the word peer or md5 to trust like so:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                trust

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     trust

reload the database:

/etc/init.d/postgresql reload

Create a database (this makes a database with the name "meow"):

createdb -U postgres meow

Then in meow/meow/ configure your database settings. If you followed these instructions, this should work:

'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'meow',
'USER': 'postgres',

Sync the databases through django and create your own superuser:

python syncdb
python migrate

5. Configure meow

Run python init to configure all settings.

For this part of the set up you will need

twitter consumer key and consumer secret:

additionally for twitter, you will need to fill in the Callback URL

facebook app ID and app secret:

bitly access token:

6. Configure sections

Use the default Django admin (http://[YOUR_URL]/admin) to add a Section object. To find Twitter access keys/tokens, use the instructions at

python twitter_auth

and to find the Facebook tokens, use these instructions.

Running meow

Run meow by going into the meow directory of the repo and typing

fab rs

This will run meow on (not the default so it can be accessible from other machines. (i.e. accessing meow from a host when meow is running on a VM).

If you want to run it on a different port, the fabric command takes an argument. For instance,

fab rs:2000

will listen on port 2000.

Sending tweets

Tweets are sent through a management command. In meow/, execute:

python sendposts

This will send any posts that are marked as copy-edited and ready for publication but are not yet sent. If you want posts to send automatically, put this on a cron job.

The Daily Bruin's cron job is something like:

#! /bin/bash
source meow-venv/bin/activate
python meow/ sendposts

sendposts will output the facebook post or tweet when it tries to send to stdout (in ASCII) so feel free to implement logging. Almost all sending errors, however, are saved within meow's database for easy access.

Test accounts

These are only used for testing and are set as private. When testing is over, these accounts should be deleted and removed from this page.



[email protected]


Page ID: 160988910774531


Page ID: 1416676115217881



FakeDB A&E
Page ID: 1415944791959246


Meow is released under GNU AGPLv3. See LICENSE for more details.

Though not required, if you use this software or would like to contribute to its development, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. We'd love to know what it's being used for, especially if it's at another college newspaper.


Daily Bruin's homemade social media manager







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