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memfaultd 1.16.0

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@patwolfe patwolfe released this 20 Dec 20:34
· 3 commits to main since this release

This release includes two major new features:

  • A new coredump capture mode to process the coredumps directly on device
    resulting in even smaller crash signature and guaranteeing that no user data
    is uploaded;
  • High Resolution Telemetry for Linux, storing every single datapoint and
    enabling second-by-second data from Linux devices, for even deeper debugging


  • Built-in wireless metric capture - wireless interfaces being monitored by the
    metrics.system_metric_collection.network_interfaces configuration will now
    have RSSI captured alongside the existing network metrics
  • Added a boottime_duration_ms to Metric Reports that indicates the duration
    of the report independent of whether the CPU was running or not. This is
    intended to be used for debugging purposes for teams whose devices sleep often
    while in use.
  • The new on-device stack unwinding option for capturing crash Traces, which can
    be enabled by setting coredump.capture_strategy.type to stacktrace in
  • High resolution telemetry, which is enabled by default and can be disabled or
    have its rate limiting configured with the metrics.high_resolution_telemetry
  • Support for Yocto Scarthgap in meta-memfault. This support will be extended
    to meta-memfault-example in an upcoming release. Check out the scarthgap
    branch if you are using that version of Yocto!
  • The built-in system memory metrics now include additional states such as
    Cached and Buffered.
  • The metrics.statsd_server has had a new option, legacy_gauge_aggregation,
    added that averages Gauge metric readings rather than simply storing the
    most recent value. This is meant to allow for a smooth migration from
    collectd's StatsD server to memfaultd's. New integrations should
    use the h (Histogram) metric type for metrics whose readings should
    be aggregated via average.


  • The default on-device rate limit for logs ingested by memfaultd has been
    increased from 500 lines per minute to 1000 lines per minute


  • Arbitrary ASCII strings between 1 and 128 in length can
    now be used in StatsD metric keys (besides the : delimiter),
    matching the behavior described in the docs.


Some built-in metrics were removed, as the naming conventions were not
consistent. All of these metrics were added in 1.15.0. The list can
be found below:

  • cpu_usage_pct
  • connectivity_recv_bytes
  • connectivity_sent_bytes
  • connectivity_<interface>_recv_bytes
  • connectivity_<interface>_sent_bytes
  • memory_used_pct
  • memory_<process>_pct
  • cpu_usage_<process>_pct
  • storage_used_<disk>_pct