This is a Yii 2 client for for Pushprom. It provides a thin layer on top of the Pushprom PHP Client.
You can install the Pushprom Yii 2 client through Composer by running:
composer require messagebird/pushprom-yii2-client:1.0.0
Alternatively, add this to your composer.json
"require": {
"messagebird/pushprom-yii2-client": "1.0.0"
And then install by running:
composer update messagebird/pushprom-yii2-client
In your configuration add the Pushprom component:
'pushprom' => [
'class' => \pushprom\yii2\Component::className(),
'job' => 'messagebird',
'url' => 'udp://'
Create and update metrics in your code:
$gauge = new \pushprom\Gauge(
"The amount of fish in the sea",
"species" => "Thalassoma noronhanum"
The repository includes helpers for common tasks.
For example, we've found that logging HTTP responses and their time is something that is repeated amongst projects. \Yii::$app->pushprom
contains helper methods to make it easier to stat them. You can use them like this:
$config = [
'components' => [
'response' => [
// ...
'on beforeSend' => function ($event) {
The Yii 2 client for Pushprom is licensed under The BSD 2-Clause License. Copyright (c) 2016, MessageBird