Application of machine learning to the GDAX orderbook using a stacked bidirectional LSTM/GRU model to predict new support and resistance on a 15-minute basis; Currently under heavy development.
General project API/data structure:
- Pandas, MongoDB, Git LFS, Feather, Keras, Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn
- See requirements.txt for full list of required packages
pip **install** -r **requirements**.**txt**
Latest notebook file(s) with project code:
- Development of data pipelines and optimization of data from MongoDB instance to ML model pretraining
- Removal of deprecated packages + base package version upgrade (i.e. Pandas)
- Development groundwork for automation pipeline for automated hourly data scrape, cycling, and training for model through segregated instance or live online-based model
- Even further refinement to program structure
- Function scope and structure & function creation for common operations
- Parsing of raw data into 4 separate l2 update (4 consecutive 15 minute l2update segments)
- Machine learning model refinement & training + model structure updates
Refinement of data storage format/file typeResearching/testing implementations to move away from .csv due to file I/O limitations:Research into Pickle/h5py/msgpack/feather to saving dataframe contents to disk is underway
- Currently broken:
- API calls from the gdax-python API for candlestick data for the first timestamp of each l2update_15min file (1 hour of l2 updates split into four 15-minute increments) currently not working; see pull requests
- Implementation of historical candlestick/OHLC data from 'gdax-ohlc-import' work in progress
HDF5 format for data storage would be ideal over msgpack format, except for how HDF5 handles object references for I/O operations
- Notebook file used to scrape/update raw_data for both MongoDB and csv format, 1 hour of websocket data from GDAX)
- L2 Snapshot + L2 Updates without overhead of Match data response (does not have Match data; test data has Match data and adds significant I/O overhead)
- 'gdax-python' and 'gdax-ohlc-import' are repositories imported as Git Submodules:
- After cloning the main project repository, the following command is required to ensure that the submodule repository contents are pulled/present:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- .gitmodules file is file for submodule parameters
- After cloning the main project repository, the following command is required to ensure that the submodule repository contents are pulled/present:
- 'model_saved' folder:
- Contains .json and .h5 files for current and previous Tensorflow/Keras models (trained model and model weight export/import)
- 'documentation' folder:
- 'rds_ml_yu_01b_revised.pptx' is a powerpoint presentation summarizing the key technical components, scope, limitations, of this project.
- 'design_mockup' folder:
- Contains diagrams, drawings, and notes used in the process of model and project design during prototyping, testing, and expansion.
- 'design_explanation' folder:
- Contains 8 pages of detailed explanations and diagrams in regards to both project/model structure and design.
- 'previous_revisions' folder:
- Contains previous/outdated versions of readme documentation and powerpoint presentations documenting the nature of this project
- 'saved_charts' folder:
- Output of generate_chart() for candlestick chart with visualized autogenerated support and resistance from autoSR()
- Screenshot of model layer structure in text format
- Graphviz output of model layer structure
- 'test_data' folder:
- Only has 10 minutes of scraped data for testing, development, and model input prototyping (snapshot + l2 response updates)
- 'raw_data' folder:
- 1 hour of scraped data (snapshot + l2 response updates)
- l2update_15min_1-4: 1 hour of l2 updates split into four 15-minute increments
- mongo_raw.json: 1 hour of scraped data from the gdax-python API websocket in raw mongoDB format
- 1 hour of scraped data (snapshot + l2 response updates)
- 'raw_data_10h' folder:
- 10 hours of scraped data:
- l2update_10h, request_log_10h, and snapshot_asks/bids_10h
- 10 hours of scraped data in raw mongoDB export (JSON): mongo_raw_10h.json
- Data in .msg (MessagePack) format currently experimental/testing as alternative to .csv format for I/O operations
- 10 hours of scraped data:
- 'archived_ipynb' folder:
- Contains previous Jupyter Notebook files used in the construction, design, and prototyping of components of this project.
- Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) notebook files 1-5 & 7
- Each successive notebook was used to construct and test whether at each "stage" if a project of this kind of scope would even be technically possible.
- Successive numbered notebooks generally improve and are iterative in nature on previous notebook files for this project.*
- Contains previous Jupyter Notebook files used in the construction, design, and prototyping of components of this project.
- How to Construct Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
- Training and Analysing Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
- Where to Apply Dropout in Recurrent Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition?
- Dropout improves Recurrent Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition
- Speech Recognition with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
- Recurrent Dropout without Memory Loss
- Deep Stacked Bidirectional and Unidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network for Network-wide Traffic Speed Prediction
###Repositories checked out as Git Submodules
- gdax-python
- gdax-ohlc-import (Currently not fully used/implemented)
- gdax-orderbook-ml: BSD-3 Licensed, Copyright (c) 2018 Timothy Yu
- gdax-python: MIT Licensed, Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Paquin
- gdax-ohlc-import: MIT Licensed, Copyright (c) 2018 Arthur Koziel
- autoSR() function adapted from nakulnayyar/SupResGenerator, Copyright (c) 2016 Nakul Nayyar (