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A proof-of-concept (PoC) library that integrates SwiftUI components into React Native using the Fabric renderer. This project enables developers to define native iOS UI elements with SwiftUI, controlled via React Native’s JSX syntax, creating a hybrid UI where React drives a dynamic SwiftUI view hierarchy.


React Native excels at cross-platform development, but its UI components can sometimes lack the polish and performance of native iOS frameworks like SwiftUI. This PoC bridges that gap by:

  • Leveraging SwiftUI’s declarative, high-performance UI toolkit for iOS.
  • Using React Native’s Fabric renderer for modern, efficient native integration.
  • Enabling a familiar JSX workflow to manage native views.

Ideal for developers seeking native iOS aesthetics and behavior within a React Native app, this project explores a hybrid paradigm for enhanced UI flexibility.


  • Supported Components: We plan to support as many SwiftUI components as possible.
  • Two-Way Data Binding: Syncs state between JavaScript and SwiftUI (e.g., text input updates via onChange).
  • Event Support: Handles events like change, focus, blur, press across the JS-native boundary.
  • Visual Feedback: Disabled fields (e.g., TextField with disabled={true}) are grayed out and faded for clarity.
  • Type Safety: TypeScript definitions for props and events, ensuring a robust developer experience.
  • Form Library Compatibility: Works seamlessly with libraries like react-hook-form and formik via passthrough component support.



  • Node.js ≥ 18
  • React Native 0.78.0+
  • iOS 15.1+ (SwiftUI requirement)
  • pnpm (package manager, version 10.5.2 recommended per package.json)


Installation steps:

npm install @mgcrea/react-native-swiftui --save
# or
pnpm add @mgcrea/react-native-swiftui
# or
yarn add @mgcrea/react-native-swiftui

Usage Example

Basic Example

import { SwiftUI } from "@mgcrea/react-native-swiftui";
import { useState, type FunctionComponent } from "react";
import { Alert, View } from "react-native";

export const BasicFormExample: FunctionComponent = () => {
  const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState("John");
  const [lastName, setLastName] = useState("Doe");
  const [birthDate, setBirthDate] = useState(new Date("2019-06-03T00:00:00Z"));
  const [gender, setGender] = useState<"Male" | "Female">("Male");

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    const data = {
    Alert.alert("Submitted", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <SwiftUI style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        <SwiftUI.Text text="BasicFormExample" />
          <SwiftUI.Section header="Personal Information">
            <SwiftUI.TextField placeholder="First name" onChange={setFirstName} text={firstName} />
            <SwiftUI.TextField placeholder="Last name" onChange={setLastName} text={lastName} />
          <SwiftUI.Section header="Additional Details">
              options={["Male", "Female"]}
              label="Birth date"
              onChange={(value) => setBirthDate(value)}
          <SwiftUI.Button title="Submit" onPress={handleSubmit} />

Supported Components

Below is a list of components currently supported by @mgcrea/react-native-swiftui. These components leverage SwiftUI's native iOS capabilities while being controlled via React Native's JSX syntax.

Component Description Key Props Notes
Button A clickable button with customizable styles title, buttonStyle, disabled, style, onPress Supports styles like default, plain, bordered, etc.
DatePicker A date/time selection picker selection, label, datePickerStyle, displayedComponents, onChange Options include compact, wheel, etc.; supports date, hourAndMinute components
Form A container for grouping form elements Children (nested components) No specific props; acts as a layout container
Group A logical grouping of views Children (nested components) No specific props; used for hierarchy organization
HStack Horizontal stack layout alignment, spacing, style, Children Alignments: top, center, bottom, etc.
Image Displays an image (named, system, or local) name, source, sourceUri, resizeMode, style Supports system: prefix for SF Symbols, asset names, and bundled assets via require
Picker A dropdown or segmented selection options, selection, label, pickerStyle, onChange Styles: menu, segmented, wheel, etc.
Rectangle A simple rectangular shape style Used for basic shapes with customizable styling
Section A collapsible section within a form header, footer, isCollapsed, Children Useful for organizing form content
Sheet A modal sheet presentation isPresented, detents, onDismiss, Children Detents: medium, large, or custom values
Slider A continuous value slider value, minimum, maximum, step, label, onChange Adjustable range with step increments
Spacer A flexible space filler minLength Expands to fill available space
Stepper An increment/decrement control value, label, minimum, maximum, step, onChange For numeric adjustments
Text Displays static text text, alignment, style Alignments: leading, center, trailing
TextField An editable text input text, label, placeholder, keyboardType, onChange Supports various keyboard types and text content types
Toggle A switch for boolean values isOn, label, onChange Simple on/off control
VStack Vertical stack layout alignment, spacing, style, Children Alignments: leading, center, trailing
ZStack Overlapping stack layout alignment, style, Children Alignments: topLeading, center, bottomTrailing, etc.


  • Props: Most components accept a style prop for layout and appearance customization (e.g., width, height, backgroundColor).
  • Events: Components like Button, TextField, and Picker support event handlers (e.g., onPress, onChange) for interactivity.
  • Children: Layout components (Form, HStack, VStack, etc.) accept nested components as children.
  • Image Sources: The Image component supports:
    • Named assets from Assets.xcassets (e.g., name="logo").
    • System images with a system: prefix (e.g., name="system:star.fill").
    • Local bundled assets via source={require('../path/to/image.png')}.

How It Works

  1. Component-Level Tree Building: Each SwiftUI.* component (e.g., <SwiftUI.TextField>) registers itself with a viewTree during React’s render phase, using a context-based system.
  2. Native Rendering: The aggregated viewTree is serialized as JSON and sent to iOS, where SwiftUI renders it via Fabric’s native bridge. Components use a unified Decodable approach for prop initialization.
  3. Two-Way Binding: State updates (e.g., text input) sync between React and SwiftUI via event handlers, with props merged efficiently on updates.
  4. Event Handling: Native events (e.g., onChange, onPress) are bubbled back to JavaScript through a custom event system.


  • React Native (JS/TS):
    • Defines UI structure in JSX.
    • Uses SwiftUIContext for event handling and node registration.
    • Uses SwiftUIParentContext to maintain parent-child hierarchy.
    • Components register their ViewTreeNode dynamically during render.
  • Fabric: Facilitates communication between JavaScript and native code.
  • SwiftUI (iOS):
    • Renders the UI using native components (e.g., TextField, Button) based on the viewTree.
    • Props classes (e.g., PickerProps) conform to Decodable for initialization and use merge(from:) for updates, unifying prop handling.
  • Bridge: Custom Objective-C++ and Swift files (e.g.,, SwiftUIRootView.swift) manage data flow and event propagation.

Key Implementation Details

  • Dynamic viewTree Generation: Components register themselves via SwiftUIContext.registerNode, with hierarchy tracked using SwiftUIParentContext. This supports passthrough components (e.g., <Controller /> from react-hook-form) without explicit prop forwarding.
  • Context System:
    • SwiftUIContext: Manages event handlers and the nodeRegistry.
    • SwiftUIParentContext: Provides parentId to child components via ParentIdProvider, ensuring correct tree structure.
  • Prop Initialization: Native Props classes use Decodable to initialize from JSON, reducing redundancy and ensuring consistency across viewTree and Fabric flows.
  • Rendering: Components return null in JSX, as the UI is fully handled by SwiftUI on the native side.


  • State Management: The library is agnostic to state management. Use React state, react-hook-form, formik, or any other library to manage form values.
  • Events: Pass callbacks like onChange or onPress to handle native events in JavaScript.
  • Disabled Fields: Set disabled={true} on components like TextField to disable interaction, with visual feedback (grayed-out text and reduced opacity).


Feel free to fork the repo, experiment with new components, or suggest optimizations! Open issues or PRs on GitHub.