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mhtvsSFrpHdE edited this page May 20, 2023 · 4 revisions

You need python 3.9.10 or above to run the program.
Other version may also fine but not tested.


Use notepad.exe open,
follow the comment to fill these variables:

  • targetProfile
    Profile number created in step "Placeholder"
  • targetClock
    What max frequency do you want to set
    You can use this command to get your available frequency:
    nvidia-smi -q -d SUPPORTED_CLOCKS > SUPPORTED_CLOCKS.txt
    and find your MHz in created SUPPORTED_CLOCKS.txt
    Do not enter any larger than you have
    x1curve only designed for underclock instead of overclock
  • enableUnderclock
    To True in case you have pasted your curve to UnderclockCurve.xml
  • minClock
    Value appears at left bottom corner when a point is dragged to minimum


Close running X1 first.

cd precision-x1-curve-editor

Open X1, load your profile to see if you get desired effect.
You may also drag "MEMORY" to minimum to save furthermore power.


Curve is distorted after reboot, target 1012, curve is not straight, some frequency is 1037

GPU may try to boost one or more frequency when GPU usage at 100%.
For example, Nvidia GPU boost 3.0.
To measure this:

  1. Set underclock curve, for example, 1012
  2. Run 3D Mark stress test to let GPU go up to 100% for a while
  3. Record the highest frequency GPU can do, maybe it can do 1072
  4. Look at nvidia-smi SUPPORTED_CLOCKS.txt
  5. 1072 is 5th after 1012
  6. 5th before is 949
  7. You want to underclock to 1012, but you will set 949 as your targetClock