v0.7.0 (2021-07-14)
Notable updates
- Agent: integration with OSConfig, enabling remote deployment of configs to the DO agent via IoT Hub.
- Agent: Better support for using MCC in both internet connected and internet disconnected devices.
- SDK: Went on a diet to reduce its binary size on disk by replacing cpprestsdk with boost.asio.
- Binaries in release mode are now stripped to further reduce size on disk (thanks @Voxel07 for noticing the break on Yocto Zeus).
- Support for building on Ubuntu 20.04. Fixes to dev bootstrap scripts.
Bug fixes
- Agent: will no longer overwrite existing files for download. The download path provided must not exist before start.
- Agent: Log location moved to a standard location: from /var/cache/deliveryoptimization-agent to /var/log/deliveryoptimization-agent.
- Agent: More detailed error codes returned for accessing the download file location.
- Agent: Logs will no longer be flooded with missing tree node exceptions.
- SDK: More detailed errors returned when writing to the sdk-config.json file.
- 3f00d1e Fix github_release.yml (#52)
- c5b4199 Increment versions for release v0.7.0 (#50)
- 8966861 SDK: Add test to exercise new MCC fallback logic
- b66e9d2 Agent: Reset retry delay on fallback from MCC
- dc0fd3c Agent: Update MCC fallback logic (#45)
- 24359f4 Make strip_symbols optional (#44)
- c2cff66 Agent: Move log location to /var/log (#43)
- cbd92a2 Merge pull request #42 from microsoft/feature/binarysize-reduce
- 121146b Update limits for binary size check
- 6202d07 Strip unneeded symbols from minsizerel binaries (#41)
See More
- 135522d SDK: Remove cpprestsdk, use custom code with boost.asio (#40)
- 9478c90 SDK: Prepare to remove cpprestsdk dependency (#39)
- 1ec196f Check binary size growth in azure pipelines (#38)
- 6a67845 Cleanup download in all cases, avoid overwriting existing files (#36)
- 36dc4f2 Fix WIL link
- 581d0d4 deliveryoptimization_set_iot_connection_string returns specific error codes
- b06449d Return specific errors from creating and accessing the destination file path (#35)
- a1ee8ad Update readme with section detailing install (#33)
- 7cab26b Support Ubuntu 20.04 arm64 builds and fix boost log linker issue (#31)
- c7630e7 Fix dockerfile for Deb10 (#29)
- 52f2eb5 Add support for additional build types (#28)
- 0b87f6f Use CredScanSuppressions.json instead of inline comments (#15)
- aa63923 Supress CredScanner (#14)
- 5a8d85d Update status badges in readme (#13)
- 713fe55 Handle Sighup (#11)
- f105517 Remove logging for missing json tree key exception (#10)
- cd43c1a Adjust Github Release Pipeline (#7)
- 87d8f58 remove pip and cpplint from bootstrap script (#9)
- 807f730 fix bootstrap script asking for user prompt (#8)
This list of changes was auto generated.