REST service to log messages on the server. Created to collect logging messages from mobile applications, and allow log analysis.
Service is created with a minimal Spring Boot application. Logging is performed with logback, you can tweak the output in logback-spring.xml configuration file.
The server use HTTPS but the certificate is self-signed, clients are required to accept the certificate as valid.
- Java JDK 14+
- Maven 3
Launch server app with:
mvn compile spring-boot:run
You will get a REST service with at following endpoint:
https://<SERVER ADDRESS>:8443/api/log
- Expected parameters should be in the REQUEST BODY with media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter names:
- priority (int),
- tag (String, optional),
- message (String)
Priority is one of
- 2 (TRACE)
- 3 (DEBUG)
- 4 (INFO)
- 5 (WARN)
- 6 (ERROR)