My solutions to the problem sets from all courses I have attended at SoftUni. Description for each course below. If there is no description, that means I have not uploaded the solutions yet.
- C# Basics (October 2022)
- C# Fundamentals (January 2023)
- C# Advanced (May 2023)
- C# OOP (June 2023)
- DB with T-SQL / SQL Server (September 2023)
- C# Entity Framework Core (October 2023)
- C# ASP.NET Fundamentals (January 2024)
- HTML and CSS (January 2024)
- ASP.NET Advanced (February 2024)
- JS-Front-End (February 2024)
Note: Some comments use tabs to create ascii tables and schemas, but github converts my 4 space tabs to 8 space tabs. Sadly GitHub doesn't offer repository level setting for this. To fix the distortions you can either add ?ts=4 to the end of the url on github or set your default repository tab render to 4 spaces from Settings > Appearance > Tab size preference (I don't recommend it).
The C# introductory course at SoftUni, which covers the following topics:
- Basic console read/write
- If-else checks
- Switch statements
- For loops
- While loops
- Basic syntax, conditional statements and loops
- Data types and variables
- Arrays
- Methods
- Lists
- Objects and classes
- Associative Arrays (Dictionaries)
- Text Processing
- Regular Expressions
- Stacks and queues
- Multidimensional arrays
- Sets and dictionaries (Advanced)
- Streams files and directories
- Defining classes
- Implementing linked lists
- Implementing stack and queue
- Generics
- Iterators and comparators
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Interfaces and abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Exception handling
- Reflection and attributes
- Unit testing
- Design Patterns
The basic database course at SoftUni in the dotnet curriculum is about working with SQL server and writing queries in T-SQL. The topics covered are:
- CRUD operations
- Table relations
- Built-in functions,
- Indices and data aggregation
- Subqueries and joins
- Functions stored procedures
- Try-catch statements
- Triggers and transactions
- ORM fundamentals
- Entity framework introduction
- Entity relations
- LINQ in the context of EF
- Advanced querying
- Auto-mapping objects
- JSON processing
- XML processing
- Best practices and architecture