Releases: mikesimons/pacyak
Releases · mikesimons/pacyak
Changes from the previous release:
- CLI changed from golang flags to urfave/cli for nicer interface
- CLI help text much improved
- Proxy implementation written from scratch to remove elazarl/go-proxy dep and improve stability
- Logging cleaned up to be more consistent and make sensible use of levels
- A few data races mitigated
- Socket leaks are no longer be an issue
- Network change monitor added so if IPs change, interfaces go up / down or get added / removed we trigger an availability check
- Automated builds on travis for windows, linux and osx
Minor amendments and a switch to a fork of goproxy that includes PR#84 to minimize connection close errors.
Known issues:
- Still (maybe) seeing some problems with https connections stalling.
- Upstream errors result in raw go error being sent to client (usually of the form getsockopt blah blah)
Largely functional, may have issues with occasional random socket closes, most noticeable on HTTPS but haven't managed to track it down (or even confirm) yet.