A scoring function based on Extra Trees algorithm for predicting ligand-protein binding affinity. PDBbind 2016v refined set minus core set is used for training ET-Score and core set is used as an independent test set.
Milad Rayka, [email protected]
Below packages should be installed for using ET-Score. Dependecies:
- python >= 3.7.0
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- biopandas >= 0.2.4
- joblib
- scikit-learn
For installing first make a virtual environment and activate it.
On windows:
python py -m venv env
On macOS and Linux:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Which env is the location to create the virtual environment. Now you can install packages:
pip install *package_name*
a- Ligand and protein structure should be saved in .mol2 and .pdb format files respectively.
b- Each ligand and protein files for a specific complex must be placed in a same folder.
for example:
generate_feature.py is used for generating features of ET-Score:
python generate_feature.py -h
python generate_feature.py -d file_directory
train_test.p script is used for optimizing hyperparameters(max_features), training(both RF and ET) and predicting for a test set. -y flag lets the script to optimize hyperparameters.
python train_test.py -h
python train_test.py features_file.xlsx test_list_file.txt binding_affinity_file.xlsx -y True
If you don't want to train your model, you can simply use et_score.sav which is our best trained model or ET-Score (Download from FigShare). For doing thi task predict.py should be used. Hydrogens should be added to both ligands and proteins.
python predict.py -h
python predict.py -m et_score.sav -d file_directory