A scoring function based on Gradient Boosting Trees algorithm for predicting ligand-protein binding affinity. PDBbind 2019v collection of the general and refined sets minus core set is used for training GB-Score and core set is used as an independent test set.
Milad Rayka, [email protected]
Below packages should be installed for using GT-Score. Dependecies:
python = 3.8.8
numpy = 1.21.2
pandas = 1.2.4
seaborn = 0.11.1
joblib = 1.0.1
matplotlib = 3.3.4
biopandas = 0.2.8
scipy = 1.7.1
sklearn = 0.24.1
progressbar2 = 3.53.1
For installing first make a virtual environment and activate it.
On windows:
python py -m venv env .\env\Scripts\activate
On macOS and Linux:
python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate
Which env is the location to create the virtual environment. Now you can install packages:
pip install package_name
1- Preparing ligand and protein file
a- Ligand and protein structure should be saved in .mol2 and .pdb format files respectively. b- Each ligand and protein files for a specific complex must be placed in a same folder.
for example:
./1a1e/1a1e_ligand.mol2 ./1a1e/1a1e_protein.pdb ./1a4k/1a4k_ligand.mol2 ./1a4k/1a4k_protein.pdb
2- Generating features
generate_features.py is used for generating features of GB-Score and return a csv file:
python generate_feature.py -h
python generate_feature.py -d file_directory
3 - Repeat and extend current report
Jupyter notebook (analysis.ipynb) is provided to reproduce all results and figures in the current report.
All generated features (.csv), best saved model (.joblib), and PDBIDs (.txt) of all train an test sets can be found in files, saved_model, and pdbids folders, respectively.