- What is the history of C++ language?
- What is the importance of C++ language?
- What is the use case of a namespace?
- What is namespace std? Explain std:: with its use case.
- What is Object Oriented Programming System (OOPs)? Why we should follow it?
- Explain the Principles of OOP.
- What is Class & Object? Explain with examples.
- Describe any 5 real-world examples in context of Class & Objects.
- What is Data Encapsulation?
- Explain the use of setter & getter.
- Explain the use case of this keyword in detail with example.
- What is Array of objects? Explain with example.
- Why should we create class attributes as private?
- Why should we create setters & getters as public?
- Explain the use case of static keyword in detail with example.