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This API service fetches products based on weather forecast for a choosen city. Weather forecast is fetched from an external API ( Tech stack: PHP 7.4+, Symfony 5, MySQL. A solution to the task provided by Adeoweb for PHP Backend developer vacancy.

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Recommended products API service setup instructions:

1. Download project

git clone

2. Install dependencies via composer

composer install

3. Setting up database

To setup on production server:

  1. Create "real" DATABASE_URL environment variable. How you set environment variables, depends on your setup: they can be set at the command line, in your Nginx configuration, or via other methods provided by your hosting service;
  2. Or, create a .env.local file like your local development.

To setup on dev environment edit .env and .env.local (for local overrides) files to suit your database server configuration.

Create database

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

For more details see:

Create database tables

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

The command will create empty database tables based on entities.

Generate initial data

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

3.1. If on production server

Regenerate APP_SECRET variable:

php -r "echo bin2hex(random_bytes(16));"

Change to production environment:


Clear and warm-up Symfony cache:

php bin/console cache:clear

4. Testing

Issue GET request to {your host}/api/products/recommended/{city name}

See list of all REST API routes

php bin/console debug:router

Run phpUnit tests

php vendor/bin/phpunit

5. Notes

You must inform users of this service that it uses data provided by LHMT.

For more details see:


This API service fetches products based on weather forecast for a choosen city. Weather forecast is fetched from an external API ( Tech stack: PHP 7.4+, Symfony 5, MySQL. A solution to the task provided by Adeoweb for PHP Backend developer vacancy.






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