Alpha v0.5.5a
What's New
- A rupeemania rupee in the mole cave by the farmers.
- The lost woods secret chest and lonlon ranch cave secret chest are now out of obscure logic
- The southern wood fusion dig items are now only in obscure logic.
- Counting should work for locations too now.
- Shield swap icon removed.
- Wallet palette fixed in the credits page.
- French credits translations, thanks @deoxis9001 and @legrandgrand
- German credits translations, thanks @atxmartin and @ToadsWoot.
- VBA has a crash warning related to the pedestal.
- Random language option uses a new RNG.
- Caching now happens, faster generation.
- Better logic error feedback for mismatched parentheses.
- Logic can now be exported.
- Git version numbering for those that build the project (requires commandline git).
- Changes to ROM and spoiler labelling to ensure consistency.
- The project is now under the GNU GPL-3.0 license.
- Some groundwork for other things.
- Nice items.
- Event utilities.
- A typo.
- Percy no longer only gives shells.
- Logic fixes
- CoF key check fixed.
- 4 key requirement for ToD levers.
- ToD ice wiggler requires gust jar, thanks Myth and Wohki.
- 0 element pedestal fix.
- Minor/Major mixup cleanup.
- Lake Hylia's dig cave requires flippers or cape now, thanks JusttHayden.
- Project format cleaned up, thanks wolfman2000.
- Spoiler filename changed.