A silly bot that runs social games (currently only Truth or Truth).
- Download the repository.
- In the repository, open .env file and copy paste the following:
TOKEN = ''
- In between the quotation marks, add the bot token.
- Use /hello to test that the bot is responding to commands.
- Use the /tort command to open a game of tort. Users will be able to join the lobby by using /join and /leave to leave it. Use /restart to reset the lobby.
- Use the /start command to begin a game of tort.
- There are currently three levels, and three rounds of Tort.
- Users will be asked one question corresponding to each level, once per round. Each user will be asked one question.
- By default, questions cannot be repeated.
- Use /add_q to add a new question with a new level. Can also update the level of old questions. Use /delete_q to delete and /view_custom to view.
- Use /settings to select whether to use a default, custom, or mixed questionbank. These will apply to the next game run in the server.
- Added custom questionbank
- Use /add_q, /delete_q, and /view_custom commands to create and edit a custom questionbank, unique to the guild.
- Use /settings to change whether to use the default or custom questionbank, or mixed questionbank.
- Ability to exit game at any time.
- Fixed some bugs that have to do with having too few questions
December, probably
- Added basic functionality for the Tort game, including
- The game.py file, which currently contains the gameflow.
- The tort.py file, which currently allows the game to be opened and started using commands.
- Deleted the original tort.py file and its test commands, which are now implemented in the game.py file
- Games cannot be started if another game is already in progress.
- Lobbies cannot be opened if another lobby is already open.
- More customizability
- Ability to add a maximum number of reshuffles for the entire game
- Ability to vary timeout durations.
- Ability to create a larger number of levels or rounds.
- Ability to allow repeat questions.
- Help command with list of commands. (Currently bugged)
- Convert commands to embed message format (prettier).
- Habit tracker with leaderboard functionality.
- Cards against humanity