After creating a local git checkout of this repository, getting this project up and running is a matter of:
Running the script
Make sure you have PHP 8.2, composer, node and npm installed.
On Mac:
- First install Homebrew.
- Run
brew install [email protected]
- Run
brew install composer
On Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux use your package manager.
apt-get install php8.2-cli php8.2-bcmath php8.2-curl php8.2-gd php8.2-xml php8.2-zip
To run the backend applications you need to have docker installed. And because we use a private docker registry you need to be logged in to the registry. To do this run:
docker login --username <username>
In the prompt enter a personal access token with read:packages scope. This token can be created in your GitHub account. Finally, if you want to test if you are logged in, run the following command:
docker pull
To run the backend applications simply run:
./ -c -i -m
To see a list of all available options run:
./ -h
For installation steps a GitHub token is required, this token should have the full repo control, and package read permissions. Generate new personal access token
To implement this token the command
composer config --global --auth <token>
can be run, replacing <token>
At this time the Vue application frontend is separate from the web API. To start the Vue application follow the readme on the portal-web-frontend repository.
This application has been developed in Laravel, please see the Laravel docs for Laravel specific details.
To convert a laravel migration to a sql migration run the following command in application-backend:
vendor/bin/sail artisan sqlmigration description_of_the_migration
This command creates a sql migration file in shared/database/sql_application_migrations with the provided description in the filename.
Always check if the desired result is correctly generated.
The Laravel migrations are only for development purposes. The Laravel migrations can be converted to SQL migrations (which will be executed on Non-development environments) using the export package. See the backend README for more information.
Docker compose is wrapped using Laravel Sail. Instead of using docker compose
please use vendor/bin/sail
to make
sure the commands are run with the correct environment setup.
Whenever something changes in the docker setup, don't forget to re-build the containers:
vendor/bin/sail up --build --remove-orphans
Sail / docker compose might show this warning:
WARNING: The [...] variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
This is caused when a.env
file has not been created or when the.env
file is missing a variable used in the docker(-compose) file.
This repository follows the REUSE Specification v3.3. Please see, REUSE.toml, LICENSES/, and the individual *.license
files (if any).