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Merge pull request #343 from samoht/simplify-repr
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Simplify Conduit.repr
  • Loading branch information
dinosaure authored Nov 29, 2020
2 parents eab97d3 + 5b03c98 commit e3f87c0
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Showing 10 changed files with 200 additions and 125 deletions.
132 changes: 77 additions & 55 deletions src/core/
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Expand Up @@ -123,15 +123,42 @@ module Make (IO : IO) (Input : BUFFER) (Output : BUFFER) :
type 'edn resolver = Endpoint.t -> 'edn option io

module F = struct
type _ t =
| Protocol : 'edn key * ('edn, 'flow) impl -> ('edn, 'flow) value t
type 'a impl = (module FLOW with type flow = 'a)

type _ t = Flow : 'flow key * 'flow impl -> 'flow t

module Ptr = E0.Make (F)
module Flw = E0.Make (F)

type flow = Flw.t = private ..

module type REPR = sig
type t

type flow += T of t

type 'a repr = (module REPR with type t = 'a)

module Flow = struct
type 'a impl = 'a F.impl

type 'a t = 'a Flw.s

let register : type flow. flow impl -> flow t =
fun flow ->
let key = Map.Key.create "" in
Flw.inj (Flow (key, flow))

type flow = Ptr.t = private ..
let repr : type flow. flow t -> (module REPR with type t = flow) =
fun (module Witness) ->
let module M = struct
include Witness

type ('edn, 'flow) protocol = ('edn, 'flow) value Ptr.s
type t = x
end in
(module M)

(* XXX(dinosaure): note about performance, [Ptr.prj] can cost where
* it's a lookup into the global [hashtbl] (created by [Ptr]). However,
Expand All @@ -149,49 +176,47 @@ module Make (IO : IO) (Input : BUFFER) (Output : BUFFER) :

let recv flow input =
let (Ptr.Value (flow, Protocol (_, (module Protocol))) : Ptr.v) =
Ptr.prj flow in
let (Value flow) = flow in
let (Value (flow, Flow (_, (module Protocol)))) = Flw.prj flow in
Protocol.recv flow input >>| function
| Ok _ as v -> v
| Error err -> Error (`Msg (strf "%a" Protocol.pp_error err))

let send (flow : Ptr.t) output =
let (Ptr.Value (flow, Protocol (_, (module Protocol))) : Ptr.v) =
Ptr.prj flow in
let (Value flow) = flow in
let send flow output =
let (Value (flow, Flow (_, (module Protocol)))) = Flw.prj flow in
Protocol.send flow output >>| function
| Ok _ as v -> v
| Error err -> Error (`Msg (strf "%a" Protocol.pp_error err))

let close flow =
let (Ptr.Value (flow, Protocol (_, (module Protocol)))) = Ptr.prj flow in
let (Value flow) = flow in
let (Value (flow, Flow (_, (module Protocol)))) = Flw.prj flow in
Protocol.close flow >>| function
| Ok _ as v -> v
| Error err -> Error (`Msg (strf "%a" Protocol.pp_error err))

let register : type edn flow. (edn, flow) impl -> (edn, flow) protocol =
fun protocol ->
let key = Map.Key.create "" in
Ptr.inj (Protocol (key, protocol))
module P = struct
type ('edn, 'flow) value = Value : 'flow -> ('edn, 'flow) value

module type REPR = sig
type t

type flow += T of t
type _ t =
| Protocol :
'edn key * 'flow Flow.t * ('edn, 'flow) impl
-> ('edn, 'flow) value t

let repr :
type edn v.
(edn, v) protocol -> (module REPR with type t = (edn, v) value) =
fun (module Witness) ->
let module M = struct
include Witness
module Ptr = E0.Make (P)

type ('edn, 'flow) protocol = {
protocol : ('edn, 'flow) P.value Ptr.s;
flow : 'flow Flow.t;

let register : type edn flow. (edn, flow) impl -> (edn, flow) protocol =
fun (module M) ->
let flow = Flow.register (module M) in
let key = Map.Key.create "" in
let protocol = Ptr.inj (Protocol (key, flow, (module M))) in
{ flow; protocol }

type t = x
end in
(module M)
let repr t = Flow.repr t.flow

let ( <.> ) f g x = f (g x)

Expand All @@ -206,8 +231,8 @@ module Make (IO : IO) (Input : BUFFER) (Output : BUFFER) :
edn resolver ->
resolvers ->
resolvers =
fun (module Witness) ?priority resolve ->
let (Protocol (key, _)) = Witness.witness in
fun { protocol = (module Witness); _ } ?priority resolve ->
let (Protocol (key, _, _)) = Witness.witness in
let resolve = inj <.> resolve in
Map.add key (Resolver { priority; resolve; witness })

Expand All @@ -224,20 +249,20 @@ module Make (IO : IO) (Input : BUFFER) (Output : BUFFER) :
fun key edn ->
let rec go = function
| [] -> return (Error `Not_found)
| Ptr.Key (Protocol (k, (module Protocol)), ctor) :: r ->
| Ptr.Key (Protocol (k, (module Flow), (module Protocol))) :: r ->
match Map.Key.(key == k) with
| None -> go r
| Some E1.Refl.Refl -> (
Protocol.connect edn >>= function
| Ok flow -> return (Ok (ctor (Value flow)))
| Ok flow -> return (Ok (Flow.T flow))
| Error _err -> go r) in
go (Ptr.bindings ())

let flow_of_protocol :
type edn flow. (edn, flow) protocol -> edn -> (flow, [> error ]) result io
fun (module Witness) edn ->
let (Protocol (_, (module Protocol))) = Witness.witness in
fun { protocol = (module Witness); _ } edn ->
let (Protocol (_, _, (module Protocol))) = Witness.witness in
Protocol.connect edn >>= function
| Ok flow -> return (Ok flow)
| Error err -> return (error_msgf "%a" Protocol.pp_error err)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,7 +318,7 @@ module Make (IO : IO) (Input : BUFFER) (Output : BUFFER) :
go l

let pack : type edn v. (edn, v) protocol -> v -> flow =
fun (module Witness) flow -> Witness.T (Value flow)
fun { flow = (module Witness); _ } flow -> Witness.T flow

let resolve :
type edn v.
Expand All @@ -304,49 +329,46 @@ module Make (IO : IO) (Input : BUFFER) (Output : BUFFER) :
fun m ?protocol domain_name ->
match protocol with
| None -> create m domain_name
| Some (module Witness) ->
let (Protocol (key', _)) = Witness.witness in
| Some protocol ->
let (module Protocol) = protocol.protocol in
let (module Flow) = protocol.flow in
let (Protocol (key', _, _)) = Protocol.witness in
resolve m domain_name >>= fun l ->
let rec go = function
| [] -> return (Error `Not_found)
| Endpoint (key, edn) :: r ->
match Map.Key.(key == key') with
| None -> go r
| Some E1.Refl.Refl -> (
flow_of_protocol (module Witness) edn >>= function
| Ok flow -> return (Ok (Witness.T (Value flow)))
flow_of_protocol protocol edn >>= function
| Ok flow -> return (Ok (Flow.T flow))
| Error _err -> go r) in
go l

let connect :
type edn v. edn -> (edn, v) protocol -> (flow, [> error ]) result io =
fun edn (module Witness) ->
let (Protocol (_, (module Protocol))) = Witness.witness in
fun edn { protocol = (module Witness); _ } ->
let (Protocol (_, (module Flow), (module Protocol))) = Witness.witness in
Protocol.connect edn >>| reword_error (msgf "%a" Protocol.pp_error)
>>? fun flow -> return (Ok (Witness.T (Value flow)))
>>? fun flow -> return (Ok (Flow.T flow))

type unpack = Flow : 'flow * (module FLOW with type flow = 'flow) -> unpack

let unpack : flow -> unpack =
fun flow ->
let (Ptr.Value (flow, Protocol (_, (module Protocol))) : Ptr.v) =
Ptr.prj flow in
let (Value flow) = flow in
Flow (flow, (module Protocol))
let (Value (flow, Flow (_, m))) = Flw.prj flow in
Flow (flow, m)

let impl :
type edn flow.
(edn, flow) protocol ->
(module PROTOCOL with type endpoint = edn and type flow = flow) =
fun (module Witness) ->
let (Protocol (_, (module Protocol))) = Witness.witness in
fun { protocol = (module Witness); _ } ->
let (Protocol (_, _, (module Protocol))) = Witness.witness in
(module Protocol)

let cast : type edn v. flow -> (edn, v) protocol -> v option =
fun flow witness ->
match Ptr.extract flow witness with
| Some (Value flow) -> Some flow
| None -> None
fun flow witness -> Flw.extract flow witness.flow

module type SERVICE = SERVICE with type +'a io = 'a io

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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/core/conduit.mli
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ type resolvers
val empty : resolvers
(** [empty] is an empty {!resolvers} map. *)

type ('edn, 'flow) value = ('edn, 'flow) Conduit_intf.value =
| Value : 'flow -> ('edn, 'flow) value

module type S = Conduit_intf.S
(** @inline *)

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