0.3.0: Snakemake and conda compatibility, updated documentation, code refactoring
[0.3.0] - 2021-07-12
Refactor for readability and faster execution
Logger is now compatible with snakemake logging module
Fixed small parsing bugs in
Remove third-party folder which contained bowtie
executables (now bowtie
is installed via conda or manually)
file paths are now handled by pathlib
New settings class that is compatible with snakemake
The map_reads script is now a stand-alone script
Settings class which is used by snakemake and pyinseq
Pyinseq and snakemake now use pathlib
for handling file paths
Removed readthedocs website (documentation is now in the; no longer using ReadTheDocs)
Removed docs/
Removed third-party/
Snakemake can now execute workflows using Snakefile in pyinseq
Additional Snakefiles for genomeprep and demultiplex of pyinseq
Conda virtual environment files that allow conda to install bowtie
software during runtime script for parsing command-line arguments
Include '--test' option for running pytest on pyinseq
New pytests for testing workflows in pyinseq
Pyinseq will now summarize sample information and snakemake output
New user guide for pyinseq
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