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Goals to be achieved!

Sujay Shalawadi edited this page Jan 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

So far

  • A hardware setup that consists of an inflation and deflation mechanism using a festo value that supports air supply greater than 0.9 bars of air pressure flow.
  • The air is produced using an aquarium pump that can produce 35 litres/ min.
  • The inflatable material is a palm sized object that can be touched and change can be experienced with varyzing air supply.
  • The air supply is manually controlled using touch sensors.

Going Forward

  • Play around with PWM pins on micro controller. Connect data features of physical activities directly to reflect changes on hardware setup from dashboards.
  • Improve range of data mapping on haptics to engage more touch for data understanding.
  • 2-3 data features need to be represented on the inflatable in the form of size, texture and stiffness.
  • User study to be conducted to examine self reflection on at least 2 different physical activities.

Important Dates

May 4th, 2019 : Paper Submission for ICMI 2020.

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