This is the workshop by MAC teaching you how to use version control. Our preferred form of version control is called Git. This will be extremely useful in your University studies when you do your assignments and will probably be assumed knowledge when you enter industry.
Things we will cover include:
- Why use Git?
- Difference between Git and Github
- git add
- git commit
- git push
- git pull
- git branch
- git merge
- git log
- pull requests
On the top right hand side, please click 'Fork'. This means you forked the repository meaning you have made your own copy of it.
You can then clone the repository.
If you don't understand this, don't worry. We'll be covering it in the workshop.
Please ensure you have the following set up before the event:
- Visual Studio Code
- Github Account
- Git installed on your device. For a detailed guide by our Technical Director @Angus Lee, click here: