MongoDB C++11 Driver 3.0.2
This is the second patch release of the new MongoDB C++11 driver. Please see the release notes for the 3.0.1 driver below for additional details on this new driver.
Please note that this version of the driver requires the MongoDB C driver 1.3.4 in order to build and exhibit expected behavior.
The MongoDB C++11 driver 3.0.x series does not promise API or ABI stability across patch releases. There are some minor API breaking changes in the 3.0.2 release. We apologize for any inconvenience. We are aiming to achieve API stability for the upcoming 3.1.x series. Some known changes include:
- bsoncxx::oid objects are now default initialized to a valid state
- JSON-ification of element and types has been removed
- JSON formatting has changed to use libbson's JSON algorithm
- [CXX-878] - max_time->count(), seconds.count() ambiguous
- [CXX-879] - Error-prone use of std::time_t in bsoncxx::types::b_date
- [CXX-880] - MongoDB C++11 driver fails to build on FreeBSD
- [CXX-893] - Link errors in Debug Build
- [CXX-896] - Use chrono::duration for mongocxx::options::index::expire_after_seconds
- [CXX-917] - SSL support is examining the wrong define to detect C driver SSL support
- [CXX-919] - BSON Null should not be discouraged
- [CXX-934] - Remove database::stats()
- [CXX-940] - Default constructed bsoncxx::oid object is dangerous
- [CXX-941] - When converting to JSON, strings are not escaped
- [CXX-986] - Invalid error handling in find_and_modify - null pointer access
- [CXX-988] - Fix documentation of invalid element access
- [CXX-1010] - PR: Use a regular string not a raw string for MSVC2015
- [CXX-1011] - PR: Support finding libbson and mongo_c on Windows when pkg-config is present
- [CXX-1034] - unique_ptr T type for document and array value should be array-ish
- [CXX-1040] - Segmentation fault in instance_management
- [CXX-861] - Documentation missing examples for accessing data
- [CXX-881] - Change mongocxx::options setters to return a self reference
- [CXX-882] - Incorrect mongoc include path, non-pkgconfig
- [CXX-886] - Add the $lookup pipeline operator
- [CXX-887] - Create an example of getting _id's from insert results
- [CXX-890] - Add an example that shows how to manage a long-lived instance object
- [CXX-902] - Reduce flushes on output operations...
- [CXX-904] - Grammatical errors in API documentation...
- [CXX-916] - Documented exceptions are incorrect