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(USFQ) - A little script to see what classrooms are available at a given time.


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A little script to see what classrooms are available at a given time.



npm install

Make sure to use Node version 16.15.1.

Usage (Old Version)

Before starting the script, you should download the course listing data:

curl\?orderField\=ssbsect_subj_code\&orderAsc\=ASC\&start_search\=1\&search\=\&colegio\=\&periodo\=202210\&area\=\&campus\=\&sesion\=\&filtro_dias\=\&filtro_horario\=\&filtro_aula\=\&filtro_cursos_ingles\=false\&filtro_cursos_cupo\=false\&perfil\= >> out.html

**Make sure to download the correct listing for the current semester (most likely the periodo query param needs to be changed).

Inside old_script.js, change the INTERESTING_DAYS and INTERESTING_START_TIME to your liking.

Then finally, run the script:

npm start

The expected output is:

Reading from HTML...
Parsing all courses...
Parsed 2452 courses with 260 different classrooms.
Filtering by schedule...
Courses that happen during our schedule: 181
All the potential classrooms:
Classrooms in Hannah Arendt: HA-106, HA-107
Classrooms in Maxwell: M-110, M-113, M-115, M-213, M-217, M-310, M-327
Classrooms in Da Vinci: D-120, D-124, D-201
Classrooms in Newton: N-201, N-213, N-219
Classrooms in Galileo: G-208, G-304
Classrooms in Einstein: None

Usage (New Version)

Before starting the script, you should visit the course catalog page:

And log in with your account.

When visiting the page, select the period you want to check the available rooms for. Periods end with a code at the end that begins with the starting year of the period. In the case of "Verano 2022-2023", the code is 202230.

Now, check the developer tools in the page, and look for the TOKEN value inside the session storage. Get this value and insert it inside config.json. This file is not tracked by git, so you will need to rename config.sample.json to config.json first.

Then, update the config.json file with all the necessary values and you're ready to go.

interesting_days in config.json should be an array with the names of the days of the week in spanish lowercased, i.e (["lunes", "miercoles"])

interesting_start_time in config.json is a 24-hour time with no separator between hours and minutes, i.e (10:00 AM is 1000 and 2:30 PM is 1430)

Then finally, run the script:

npm start

The expected output is:

Reading from HTML...
Parsing all courses...
Parsed 2452 courses with 260 different classrooms.
Filtering by schedule...
Courses that happen during our schedule: 181
All the potential classrooms:
Classrooms in Hannah Arendt: HA-106, HA-107
Classrooms in Maxwell: M-110, M-113, M-115, M-213, M-217, M-310, M-327
Classrooms in Da Vinci: D-120, D-124, D-201
Classrooms in Newton: N-201, N-213, N-219
Classrooms in Galileo: G-208, G-304
Classrooms in Einstein: None


(USFQ) - A little script to see what classrooms are available at a given time.




