This library offers the API client to communicate with mosparo to verify a submission.
With this JAVA library you can connect to a mosparo installation and verify the submitted data.
Include the mosparo into your project. E.g. for Maven users:
- Instantiate a mosparo Client
MosparoClient client = new MosparoDefaultClient("https://<url>", "<publicKey>", "<privateKey>");
- Verify a form submission using the
Provide the Set
of required fields for your form verification. The set of required fields for form verification includes
all user input fields regardless of whether they are marked as mandatory in the web form.
try {
VerificationResult result = client.verifySubmission(formData, Set.of("firstname", "lastname"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle communication failure
} catch (MosparoException e) {
// Handle verification failure
Where formData is a simple java.util.Map<String, Object>
of the data received from the frontend. For example, it would
look like:
Map<String, Object> formData = Map.of(
"lastname", "Example",
"firstname", "John",
"_mosparo_submitToken", "submitToken",
"_mosparo_validationToken", "validationToken");
Gratitude is extended to Jakobus Schürz for his work on This project provided valuable insights and motivation during the development of this independent initiative. While no code or direct contributions from his project are included, the inspiration it offered is greatly appreciated.
The project is configured to use Maven CI friendly
To specify a non-default version, for example, 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
, use:
mvn package -Drevision="0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
The project contains two types of tests.
These tests are named according to the usual Maven convention *Test
They use Wiremock to mock responses from mosparo server.
These tests are named according to the Maven convention *IT
They use testcontainers to create a docker compose environment with:
- mosparo server
- a database for mosparo server
- selenium browser
- a website with a simple form
They allow to test the library against a real mosparo server.
The build workflow compiles the project and runs the tests with surefire (unit tests) and failsafe (integration tests).
The release workflow is triggered by a GitHub release. It expects a tagName starting with a "v", it will cut the first character to create the maven release version. This workflow expects secrets:
The secret SONATYPE_* are used to deploy the released artifacts to Maven Central Repository. See for details.
The secret GPG_PRIVATE_KEY is used to sign the generated artifacts. See for details.