Food Loss is currently a serious problem in the Foodservice industry.
The Mobile App that we developed is intended to create an environment:
- restaurants can offer dishes and profit from food that were supposed to be thrown away
- customers can get meals for discounted prices and contribute to minimize food wastes in the world
This is the core app of the project.
- Cusomers should be able to Login/Sign up for an account on the Login page
- Create a database accouringly
- Incorporate Facebook, Google account for login/Sign up if possible
- Customers should be able to do variety of General tasks on the page:
- List of Restaurants available
- Setting (Preview/Edit Account info)
- Convert to Map
- GPS tracker (for map)
- This is the page shows customized information for a specific store
- The restaurant should be able to customize
- The page shows various information such as available menu, discount details and so on
- Customer Reviews
- Display orders in the cart
- Execute transaction
- credit card transaction
- Display Customer information:
- Preview/Edit Account info (payment info)
- Order History
- Display a map:
- list available restrant on the map
- using GPS info for current location
- login form
- sign up form
Home (General)
- Photo Display: displays photos (promotions, events)
- time counter: Display time
- Display restaurants
- filter display mechanism
- Display another pages
- Search bar for restaurant
- display registered restaurant
- info function (work with database) address, hours, phone number, website
- overall food display function (menu bar)
- specific food display (detailed info)
- add to cart button (save)
- view order / checkout button (redirect the page to payment page)
- timer / # of stocks
Account/ Setting
- display/edit all info under user ID (database)
- change password (e-mail verification)
- display order history (database)
- change/update payment info (default button)
- Signout
- Calculation page (for tax etc..)
- back button (navigate back to previous page)
- edit payment info
- transaction button (check if card is valid)
- Restaurant should be able to Login/Sign up for an account on the Login page
- Create a database accordingly
- Sign-up would redirect to a page where user can fill up the application
- User should be able to do variety of General tasks on the page:
- View the list of live orders
- Setting (Preview/Edit Account info)
- Accept or decline the order
- On/Off the availability of restaurant
- This is the page shows customized product information by the user
- The page shows various information such as available menu, discount details and so on
- Adding or deleting or editing products
- Changing the available of products
- Display Restaurant information:
- Preview/Edit Account info (Bank info)
- Order History
- Display a list of history orders for a specified period of time
- Display each order’s payment detail
- Generate a report for a specified period of time (monthly) for tax purposes