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Google Summer of Code Student Applicant Form

boucher edited this page Aug 12, 2010 · 2 revisions

Here is the information we’d like to see in submitted applications for Google Summer of Code 2009:

1. Personal Details

  • Full Name
  • email
  • GTalk or AIM username
  • IRC username

2. Project Proposal

  • A detailed description of the project you’re proposing. If it’s from our list of ideas, please elaborate on what you expect the project to encompass, and what approach you’ll take to the idea. If it’s your own idea, or an idea suggested to you but not on our list, you should probably send an e-mail to the objectivej-dev google group outlining the idea, in addition to the detailed description you include in your application.
  • If you’ve done any research or have experience in this area, please share some of it.
  • Try to identify what you think will be the biggest roadblocks to succesfully completing the project.
  • Will this project be part of the core of Cappuccino? Obviously Cappuccino is designed to be a powerful application framework, but it is not all encompassing. A lot of functionality should not be included directly in the project, but would make for a great external framework that could be dropped into Cappuccino projects. Which do you see your idea as?

3. Project Schedule

  • Outline the milestones for your project. Include deliverables and deadlines. We understand these will probably change, but it’s a good excercise to do the planning upfront.
  • What are your other committments for the summer?

4. Open Source Experience

  • Have you contributed to open source projects in the past? Anything counts, including patches and bug reports, or even just participating in mailing list discussion.

5. Other Work Experience

  • If you have any paid work experience in software development, or other experience you think is relevant, feel free to share.

6. Academic Information

  • What are you studying in school? What related courses have you found particularly interesting?

7. Why Cappuccino?

  • What interests you about the Cappuccino project? Have you already used it to build something, or are you thinking about using it for a future project?
  • Why did you choose your particular project proposal, and why do you think its a good fit for Cappuccino?
  • What are the most exciting trends in web development for you? Where do you see Cappuccino fitting into those?

Get In Touch

If you’re confused about anything, or just want to talk to us about applying, you should stop by our IRC channel ( Getting to know us, and giving us a chance to get to know you, will go a long way towards making yourself a good candidate for GSoC.

Thanks to Wordpress for the format of this template.