A high-performance, deterministic spatial grid management system for Unity, optimized for lockstep simulations, AI navigation, and world partitioning.
This package is a Unity-specific implementation of the GridForge library
- Deterministic Execution – Supports lockstep simulation and fixed-point arithmetic.
- Optimized Grid Management – Low memory allocations, spatial partitioning, and fast queries.
- Multi-Layered Grid System – Dynamic, hierarchical, and persistent grids.
- Efficient Object Queries – Retrieve occupants, obstacles, and partitions with minimal overhead.
- Open Unity.
- Go to Window → Package Manager.
- Click the + icon and select "Add package from git URL...".
- Enter:
- Click Add.
- Download the .unitypackage file from the latest release.
- Open Unity and import the package via Assets → Import Package → Custom Package....
- Select the downloaded file and import the contents.
GridForge-Unity depends on the following Unity packages:
These dependencies are automatically included when installing via UPM.
GridConfiguration config = new GridConfiguration(new Vector3d(-10, 0, -10), new Vector3d(10, 0, 10));
GlobalGridManager.TryAddGrid(config, out ushort gridIndex);
Vector3d queryPosition = new Vector3d(5, 0, 5);
if (GlobalGridManager.TryGetGrid(queryPosition, out Grid grid))
if (grid.TryGetNode(queryPosition, out Node node))
Console.WriteLine($"Node at {queryPosition} is {(node.IsOccupied ? "occupied" : "empty")}");
BoundingArea blockArea = new BoundingArea(new Vector3d(3, 0, 3), new Vector3d(5, 0, 5));
Blocker blocker = new Blocker(blockArea);
if (GlobalGridManager.TryGetGrid(queryPosition, out Grid grid) && grid.TryGetNode(queryPosition, out Node node))
PathPartition partition = new PathPartition();
Vector3d scanCenter = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
Fixed64 scanRadius = (Fixed64)5;
foreach (INodeOccupant occupant in ScanManager.ScanRadius(scanCenter, scanRadius))
Console.WriteLine($"Found occupant at {occupant.WorldPosition}");
GridForge includes editor utilities for debugging:
- GridDebugger – Visualizes grids, nodes, and selected areas.
- GridTracer Debuging – Helps debug line-of-sight & navigation.
- Blocker Editor – Allows visual blocker placement via Unity Inspector.
- Unity 2020+
- Supports deterministic lockstep engines
- Compatible with AI navigation and procedural world systems
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details.
- David Oravsky - Lead Developer
- Contributions Welcome! Open a PR or issue.
For questions or support, open an issue on GitHub.