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How do I save DMARC reports?

msimerson edited this page Nov 2, 2014 · 2 revisions

By default, validating messages against Mail::DMARC does not save the validation information in the database.

For sites who choose to be DMARC reporters (in addition to validators), the application that call Mail::DMARC must also tell Mail::DMARC to store the report. In addition, something must call dmarc_send_reports once a day to send out the reports. Telling Mail::DMARC to save the reports can be done like this:

if ( $dmarc->has_valid_reporting_uri($pol->rua) ) {
    eval { $dmarc->save_aggregate(); };

If the caller to Mail::DMARC cannot be easily altered, patching Mail::DMARC::PurePerl like this would also do:

diff --git a/lib/Mail/DMARC/ b/lib/Mail/DMARC/
index 6ccb4d3..115a582 100644
--- a/lib/Mail/DMARC/
+++ b/lib/Mail/DMARC/
@@ -38,8 +38,15 @@ sub validate {
     $self->is_dkim_aligned;   # 11.2.3. DKIM signature verification checks
     $self->is_spf_aligned;    # 11.2.4. SPF validation checks
-    $self->is_aligned()       # 11.2.5. identifier alignment checks
-        and return $self->result;
+    my $aligned = $self->is_aligned(); # 11.2.5. identifier alignment checks
+    my $pol;
+    eval { $pol = $self->result->published; };
+    if ( $pol && $self->has_valid_reporting_uri($pol->rua) ) {
+        eval { $self->save_aggregate(); };
+    };
+    return $self->result if $aligned;
     my $effective_p
         = $self->is_subdomain && defined $policy->sp
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