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Backward compatibly refactor header-based C++ into modules.


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Are you looking to convert your header-based C++ codebase to C++20 modules, but afraid that modularizing is too cumbersome? importizer is here to help.

Wait, Briefly, Why C++ Modules?

  • Improved compilation time: Modules don't need to be recompiled every time it is imported, unlike headers.
  • Improved encapsulation: Modules allow you to choose what is exposed to users (exported), no need to hide stuff with a detail namespace. Includes and macros from a module will only stay in that module.

What importizer Does Automatically

  • Name modules according to its relativity to the modularized directory.
  • Converts #include directives to import statements.
  • Handle include guards and pragma once.
  • Handle start-of-file comments (usually licence).

What importizer Does NOT Do Automatically

  • Export entities for you, you will have to manually do this after running.

Modularization Modes

  • Complete Mode: Fully transition away from header-based code to C++ modules (default).
  • Transitional Mode: Provide both header-based interface and a module-based one for backward compatibility without duplicating code. Enable this mode by specifying [transitional] in the settings file or by using transitional as the first command-line argument.


  • All source code and configuration options must be valid UTF-8.
  • The code must be valid C++.

This project follows semantic versioning.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Prebuilt Executable

  • Select your operating system.
  • Download the debug versions (with sanitizers and no optimizations) from the continuous tag.
  • For production use, download the release versions (with optimizations) from the other release tags.

Building from Source

Clone the repository and build with the following commands:

git clone --depth 1 && cd importizer &&
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release &&
cmake --build . --config Release -j $(cmake -P ../nproc.cmake)
  • The resulting binary, named importizer, will be located in your current working directory.

Usage Walkthrough

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Handle non-local macros, transitive includes, and forward declarations because they don't work well with modules (see Modules' side effects).
  2. Acquire the correct options: Populate the importizer.toml file (or use the -c flag) with the correct settings for your project. Using a TOML configuration file is recommended, although command-line arguments can be used for quick tests

Step 2: Run the Program

  • When you run importizer, the command-line output will list file paths (relative to outDir) that need manual export modifications. You can redirect this output to a text file for easier review.

Step 3: Post-Execution Actions

  1. Perform preamble checks. Review all generated preambles in files for correctness before making any modifications. If the program fails to generate valid code whatsoever, please file an issue.
  2. If you are in default mode:
    1. Add export: For each file outputted, insert export or wrap exported entities with export { ... }
    2. Test-compile the modularized project.
  3. If you are in transitional mode:
    1. Test-compile using header. You shouldn't have to change anything for this to work. If it doesn't, then importizer has an issue, please report it.
    2. Add export: For each file outputted, insert the value of mi_exportKeyword, or wrap exported entities with values of mi_exportBlockBegin and mi_exportBlockEnd.
    3. Test-compile using modules. Add -D[value of mi_control] when compiling all files to enable module mode.
  4. Clean-up Procedures (list will shorten over time):
    • Clean up directives: Importizer rebuilds the original directive structure to ensure that external includes only happens in their initial conditions. The minimizer attempts to shorten this structure, though it may leave some redundant directives without enough context.
    • Clean up directives 2: Since includes are relocated, remove any unnecessary directives left in the original file locations.

File Pairing and Conversion Rules

A file pair consists of a header and a source file sharing the same basename within the same directory (for example, input/directory/file.hpp pairs with input/directory/file.cpp). The source file must include and define everything declared in its paired header. Note: Importizer’s behavior is undefined if a paired source file contains a main() function.

  • Actions by file type:
File type Paired file? Contains main()? Conversion type Exporting required
Header N/A Module interface unit ✔️
Header ✔️ N/A Module interface unit ✔️
Source Module interface unit ✔️
Source ✔️ Module implementation unit
Source ✔️ Module consumer
  • Behavior of include path resolution (similar concept to specifying -I):
Type How it is resolved
Quoted 1. Relative to the directory of the current file
2. Same as angle-bracket.
Angle bracket 1. Searched relative to each directory specified in includePaths


Customize importizer's behavior via the command line or a TOML configuration file (CLI options override TOML settings). Note that CLI paths are relative to the current working directory, whereas TOML paths are relative to the configuration file.

General Options

CLI flag name TOML setting name Description Value type Default value
-h, --help N/A Print help and exit. N/A N/A
-v, --version N/A Print version and exit. N/A N/A
-s, --std-include-to-import stdIncludeToImport Convert standard includes to import std or import std.compat. Boolean false
-p, --pragma-once pragmaOnce Declare that you use #pragma once so importizer handles them. Boolean false
-S, --SOF-comments SOFComments Declare that your files may start with comments (usually to specify a license) so importizer handles them. Note that it scans for the largest continuous SOF comment chain. Boolean false
--include-guard includeGuard Declare that you use include guards so the tool handles them. You will provide a regex to match match the entire guard, for example: [^\s]+_HPP. String N/A
-c, --config N/A Path to TOML configuration file (.toml), default to importizer.toml. String N/A
-i, --in-dir inDir Input directory (required on the CLI or in the TOML file). String N/A
-o, --out-dir outDir Output directory (required on the CLI or in the TOML file). String N/A
--hdr-ext hdrExt Header file extension. String .hpp
--src-ext srcExt Source (also module implementation unit) file extension. String .cpp
--module-interface-ext moduleInterfaceExt Module interface unit file extension. String .ixx
--include-paths includePaths Include paths searched when converting include to import. String array []
--ignored-hdrs ignoredHdrs Paths relative to inDir of header files to ignore. Their paired sources, if available, will be treated as if they have a main(). String array []
--umbrella-hdrs umbrellaHdrs Paths relative to inDir of modularized headers, but their import are turned into export import. String array []

Transitional Options

CLI flag name TOML setting name Description Value type Default value
-b, --back-compat-hdrs backCompatHdrs Generate headers that include the module file to preserve #include for users. Note that in the project itself the module file is still included directly. Boolean false
--mi-control mi_control Header-module switching macro identifier. String CPP_MODULES
--mi-export-keyword mi_exportKeyword Exported symbol macro identifier. String EXPORT
--mi-export-block-begin mi_exportBlockBegin Export block begin macro identifier. String BEGIN_EXPORT
--mi-export-block-end mi_exportBlockEnd Export block end macro identifier. String END_EXPORT
--export-macros-path exportMacrosPath File path relative to outDir to store the export macros above. String Export.hpp

Fixing Modules' Effects

Non-local Macros

  • C++ modules are designed to encapsulate macros, meaning that a macro defined in a header will become local to its corresponding module. To ensure they are present when needed:
    • Define the macro via compiler command-line (using -D...).
    • Refactor the macro into a separate header, include it where necessary, and add it to ignoredHdrs.
    • Add the macro-containing headers directly to ignoredHdrs (recommended when the header's sole purpose is to provide macros).

Transitive Includes

  • Modules do not propagate transitive includes. To avoid missing dependencies:
    • Include what you use (IWYU) before modularization, so the tool would keep it automatically. Use tools like clangd with strict IWYU to help you.

Forward Declarations

  • When converting a header to a module, any forward declarations become part of that module. This can lead to conflicts if the full declaration exists in another module.
    • If forward declarations are used to break cyclic dependencies, refactor the shared entity into its own file and include it in both modules. If you have
    • (Only way for external forward declarations) Include the full declaration by #include-ing the corresponding file and removing the forward declaration. Note that this may lengthen header build in transitional mode.
    • In transitional mode, if you ABSOLUTELY need to save on header compile time, you might adjust the modularized preamble as follow:
      #ifdef CPP_MODULES // Replace with your mi_control value
      // Import modules that export the forward-declared entity
      // Place forward declarations here



  • Add -DTESTS=1 when configuring CMake.
  • Build, then cd [build root]/test.
  • Run ctest.
  • If possible, file an issue for test(s) that failed.

Precompiled Headers

To significantly reduce compile times for incremental build (up to ~70%) (some workarounds are required, so I prepared a setting.):

  • Add -DPCH=1 when configuring CMake.

Contribution Rules

  • Use camelCase for variables and functions; use PascalCase for classes, types, and filenames.
  • Follow the coding style of the surrounding code.
  • Always use strict IWYU.
  • Keep the maximum line width around 90 columns (a slight exceedance of 1 or 2 is acceptable but should be minimized).
  • Add comments to indicate types after each case label in variant switches.
  • Maintain consistent ordering of options in the README, option structures, and value-checking logic.
  • To determine order for new options, optimize for the option struct size and follow chronological order.
  • All options should have a default “false” or empty state unless absolutely required. Options with non-false defaults should be managed as std::optional if they solve non-critical issues. Current options include:
    • pragmaOnce
    • SOFComments
    • includeGuard
    • includePaths
    • ignoredHdrs
    • umbrellaHdrs