publish is a Flutter CLI package designed to simplify app configuration, including setting app names, app IDs, and Android signing configurations for Play Store publishing. It removes the hassle of manual setup and allows developers to focus on building great apps.
- Easily configure App name and App ID for both Android and iOS platforms.
- Platform-specific configuration options.
- Automatically generate Android keystores and configure signing files.
- Simplified command usage for setting up your project and creating signed app bundles.
- Run the following command in your CMD or Terminal:
This will activate the superpowers of publish package.
flutter pub global activate publish
Use this command in your project terminal to automatically generate a signing key and set up your Android project for release:
publish sign-android
This will:
- Generate a keystore file.
- Create the
file with your details. - Update your
file for release builds.
To create a signed app bundle, run:
flutter build appbundle
The signed app bundle will be generated in the build/app/outputs/bundle/release
publish --read-configs
This command will print the current app name and app ID for both Android and iOS platforms.
To update the app name for both Android & iOS with single command:
publish config app-name --value "Test"
For platform-specific updates:
publish config app-name --value "Test" --platforms=android
publish config app-name --value "Test" --platforms=ios
publish config app-name --value "Test" --platforms=android,ios
To update the app ID for both Android & iOS with single command:
publish config app-id --value "com.test"
For platform-specific updates:
publish config app-id --value "com.test" --platforms=android
publish config app-id --value "com.test" --platforms=ios
publish config app-id --value "com.test" --platforms=android,ios
We welcome contributions to improve this package! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.