- // Disclaimer:
- We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD card or anything happens with your device.
- Flash on your own risk/knowledge.
- Take your data backup before proceed.
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👉 Download required packages
👉 If comming from OxygenOS or from anyother ROM, Required clean flash, So...
- Backup all your data to any external source.
- Required OxygenOS 12 in both slot, If already then skip step 3 & 4 if not must follow all steps
- Gapps included so no need to flash/sideload GApps
👉 Now start Flashing
- Reboot to bootloader & connect your phone to PC
- flash recovery.img. (Extract recovery package to get recovery.img)
- Reboot to recovery > Apply update > Apply from ADB
- Sideload copy-partition zip by using command
adb sideload copy-partitions-20220613-signed.zip
- After complete, Back to recovery home page & tap Factory reset > Format data/factory reset
- Back to recovery home page & tap > Apply update > Apply from ADB
- Now sideload rom using command
adb sideload <rom_filename>.zip
- Now reboot to system.
Click Here to expand ⬇️
👉 Download required packages
- Recovery package HERE
👉 If comming from OxygenOS or from anyother ROM, Required clean flash, So...
- Backup all your data to any external source.
- Update your device to OOS 13
- Firmware already included
- Gapps included so no need to flash/sideload GApps
👉 Now start Flashing
- Extract recovery package zip
- Reboot to bootloader & connect your phone to PC
- Double click on flash.bat
- Reboot to recovery & Factory reset > Format data/factory reset
- Back to recovery home page & tap > Apply update > Apply from ADB
- Now sideload rom using command
adb sideload <rom_filename>.zip
- Now reboot to system.
Click Here to expand ⬇️
👉 Download required packages
- Recovery package HERE
👉 If comming from NothingOS or from anyother ROM, Required clean flash, So...
- Backup all your data to any external source.
- Gapps included so no need to flash/sideload GApps
👉 Now start Flashing
- Reboot to bootloader & connect your phone to PC
- Extract above recovery package.zip
- Double click on flash.bat
- Reboot to recovery & Factory reset > Format data/factory reset
- Back to recovery home page & Apply update > Apply from ADB
- Now sideload rom using command
adb sideload <rom_filename>.zip
- Now reboot to system.
To update ROM :
Already on Xtended and want to update new version: ⬇️
- Reboot to recovery
- Apply update > Apply from ADB
- Open command prompt & sideload rom using command
adb sideload <rom_filename>.zip
- Reboot
- Every version isn't upgradable. It depends on system changes, So please follow release post first.
Get recovery or firmware for your device: HERE