End-to-End Water Hub Data Management Platform for Susteq in Kenya
DevBootcamp Mule Deer 2014 Final Project
###Team Members
- Whitney O'Banner
- Eric Kennedy
- Igor Gaelzer
- Ori Pleban
- Alex Birdsall
- Melissa McCoy
###MVP Features
- User Login for (1) Admin and (2) Water Service Provider (WSP)
- Dashboard views specific to each WSP and to each water kiosk (with graph)
- Search ability via (1) navigation pane and (2) map interface.
- Ability to Add/Remove/Edit water kiosks and Associated them with WSPs
###MVP User Stories
- Admin User can login to the dashboard.
- Admin User can view information about all the water kiosks and all their WSPs.
- Admin User can search through the water kiosks via map interface.
- Admin User can add/remove/edit WSPs and water kiosks and associate them.
- WSP User can login to the dashboard.
- WSP User can view information about their specific water kiosks.
- WSP User can view search through their water kiosks.
###Project Status