I'm done with oh-my-zsh after years
Don't know why it got so slow, maybe it's my fault.
so, until I find something flashy that does what I want or what I really do :
I think I need a script to create symlinks to move .zshrc to home
- A modified Agnoster theme
This provides :
- a colored status line
- the directory
- the branch (if in a git dir)
- some basic git info: such as if the repo has modified or new files
- some zsh error marks
- A small set of oh my zsh goodies, not the whole files, this are here to be fair, I took the stuff I used from here and there.
- directories ohmyzsh directories
- git stuff ohmyzsh git lib pieces
- git aliases, also curated from the plugin, I can't use them all git plugin
- Removed FNM, and all it's dirty dirty stuff (replaced by: n)
- Tried and removed starship.rs (not rust enough)
- Removed powerlevel10k (super fast can't deal with almost no status line)
- Removed ohmyzsh
- Trying zsh auto complete (I think it will doxx me)
- Trying Ranger
- Trying zsh-autosuggestions https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
( UωU)∫