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[Brent] Add payment for blue lidden bins.
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dracos committed Feb 10, 2025
1 parent 09d08a7 commit ef39431
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Showing 3 changed files with 147 additions and 4 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions perllib/FixMyStreet/App/Form/Waste/Request/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,23 @@ my %refusal_contamination_months = (
has_page about_you => (
fields => ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'continue'],
title => 'About you',
# Look up any cost here, once we have all the data from previous steps
update_field_list => sub {
my $form = shift;
my $data = $form->saved_data;
my $c = $form->{c};

my $choice = $data->{"container-choice"};
my $how_long = $data->{how_long_lived} || '';
my $ordered = $data->{ordered_previously};

# We only ask for immediate payment if it's not a referral
if (!FixMyStreet::Cobrand::Brent::request_referral($choice, $data)) {
my ($cost) = $c->cobrand->request_cost($choice);
$data->{payment} = $cost if $cost;
return {};
next => 'summary',

Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions perllib/FixMyStreet/Cobrand/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ use Moo;
with 'FixMyStreet::Roles::Cobrand::Waste';
with 'FixMyStreet::Roles::Cobrand::BulkyWaste';

use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moo;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1191,10 +1192,12 @@ sub waste_munge_request_form_fields {
my ($key, $value) = ($field_list->[$i], $field_list->[$i+1]);
next unless $key =~ /^container-(\d+)/;
my $id = $1;
my ($cost, $hint) = $self->request_cost($id);
push @radio_options, {
value => $id,
label => $self->{c}->stash->{containers}->{$id},
disabled => $value->{disabled},
$hint ? (hint => $hint) : (),
$seen{$id} = 1;
Expand All @@ -1210,6 +1213,24 @@ sub waste_munge_request_form_fields {

=head2 request_cost
Calculate how much, if anything, a request for a container should be.

sub request_cost {
my ($self, $id) = @_;
my $cost;
$cost = $self->_get_cost('request_cost_blue_bin') if $id == $CONTAINER_IDS{recycling_blue_bin};
# $cost = $self->_get_cost('request_cost_food_caddy') if $id == $CONTAINER_IDS{food_caddy};
if ($cost) {
my $price = sprintf("£%.2f", $cost / 100);
$price =~ s/\.00$//;
my $hint = "There is a $price administration/delivery charge to replace your container";
return ($cost, $hint);

=head2 alternative_backend_field_names
Expand Down
113 changes: 109 additions & 4 deletions t/cobrand/brent.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1011,6 +1011,12 @@ FixMyStreet::override_config {
payment_gateway => { brent => {
cc_url => '',
ggw_cost => 6000,
request_cost_blue_bin => 3000,
# request_cost_food_caddy => 500,
cc_url => '',
hmac => '1234',
hmac_id => '1234',
scpID => '1234',
} },
open311_email => { brent => {
'Request new container' => '[email protected]',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1155,6 +1161,44 @@ FixMyStreet::override_config {
}, ]

my $sent_params = {};
my $call_params = {};

my $pay = Test::MockModule->new('Integrations::SCP');
$pay->mock(call => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift;
$call_params = { @_ };
$pay->mock(pay => sub {
my $self = shift;
$sent_params = shift;
$pay->original('pay')->($self, $sent_params);
return {
transactionState => 'IN_PROGRESS',
scpReference => '12345',
invokeResult => {
status => 'SUCCESS',
redirectUrl => ''
$pay->mock(query => sub {
my $self = shift;
$sent_params = shift;
return {
transactionState => 'COMPLETE',
paymentResult => {
status => 'SUCCESS',
paymentDetails => {
paymentHeader => {
uniqueTranId => 54321

subtest 'test report missed container' => sub {
set_fixed_time('2020-05-19T12:00:00Z'); # After sample food waste collection
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1212,20 +1256,22 @@ FixMyStreet::override_config {
$mech->content_contains("How long have you", "Extra question for " . $radio->{type});

$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'container-choice' => 13 } }, "Choose garden bin");
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'request_reason' => 'damaged' } });
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { name => "Test McTest", email => $user1->email } });
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'process' => 'summary' } });
$mech->content_contains('Your container request has been sent');
my $report = FixMyStreet::DB->resultset("Problem")->order_by('-id')->first;
is $report->get_extra_field_value('uprn'), 1000000002;
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Container_Type'), '6::6';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Container_Type'), '13::13';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Action'), '2::1';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Reason'), '4::4';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Notes'), '';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Quantity'), '1::1';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('service_id'), '265';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('service_id'), '317';

# No sent email, only logged email
Expand All @@ -1234,6 +1280,58 @@ FixMyStreet::override_config {

subtest 'test requesting a container with payment' => sub {
for my $test (
# { id => 11, name => 'food waste caddy', service_id => 316, pence_cost => 500 },
{ id => 6, name => 'Recycling bin (blue bin)', service_id => 265, pence_cost => 3000 },
) {
subtest "...a $test->{name}" => sub {
$mech->follow_link_ok({url => ''});
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'container-choice' => $test->{id} } }, "Choose " . $test->{name});
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'request_reason' => 'damaged' } });
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { name => "Test McTest", email => $user1->email } });
$mech->content_contains('Continue to payment');
$mech->waste_submit_check({ with_fields => { 'process' => 'summary' } });

my ( $token, $report, $report_id ) = get_report_from_redirect( $sent_params->{returnUrl} );

is $sent_params->{items}[0]{amount}, $test->{pence_cost}, 'correct amount used';
# The below does a similar checks to the garden test check_extra_data_pre_confirm
is $report->category, 'Request new container', 'correct category on report';
is $report->title, "Request new \u$test->{name}", 'correct title on report';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('payment_method'), 'credit_card', 'correct payment method on report';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('uprn'), 1000000002;
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Container_Type'), join('::', $test->{id}, $test->{id});
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Action'), '2::1';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Reason'), '4::4';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Notes'), '';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('Container_Request_Quantity'), '1::1';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('service_id'), $test->{service_id};

is $report->state, 'unconfirmed', 'report state correct';
is $report->get_extra_metadata('scpReference'), '12345', 'correct scp reference on report';


# The below does a similar checks to the garden test check_extra_data_post_confirm
is $report->state, 'confirmed', 'report confirmed';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('LastPayMethod'), 2, 'correct echo payment method field';
is $report->get_extra_field_value('PaymentCode'), '54321', 'correct echo payment reference field';
is $report->get_extra_metadata('payment_reference'), '54321', 'correct payment reference on report';

$mech->content_contains('Your container request has been sent');
$mech->content_like(qr#/waste/12345"[^>]*>Show upcoming#, "contains link to bin page");

my $body = $mech->get_text_body_from_email;
like $body, qr/We aim to deliver this container/;

sub make_request {
my ($test_name, $reason, $duration, $referral, $emails) = @_;
my $full_test_name = "Making a request, $test_name, $reason" . ($duration ? ", $duration" : "");
Expand All @@ -1247,9 +1345,16 @@ FixMyStreet::override_config {
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { name => "Test McTest", email => $user1->email } });
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'process' => 'summary' } });
$mech->content_contains('Your container request has been sent');
# if ($referral) {
$mech->submit_form_ok({ with_fields => { 'process' => 'summary' } });
$mech->content_contains('Your container request has been sent');
# } else {
# $mech->waste_submit_check({ with_fields => { 'process' => 'summary' } });
# }
my $report = FixMyStreet::DB->resultset("Problem")->search(undef, { order_by => { -desc => 'id' } })->first;
if (!$referral) {
$report->update({ state => 'confirmed' }); # Fake payment
is $report->get_extra_field_value('request_referral'), $referral;
is $report->get_extra_field_value('request_how_long_lived'), $duration;
is $report->get_extra_field_value('request_ordered_previously'), $test_name eq 'Ordered' ? 1 : '';
Expand Down

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