linux socket programming practice -- a more to more chatroom implement by cpp
- Ubuntu 18.04
- build-essential
- cmake (>3.8)
- libncurses-dev
- libncursesw5-dev
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libncurses-dev libncursesw5-dev
- Arch
- base-devel
- cmake
- ncurses
sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake ncurses
- clone lastest version from the repository
git clone
- cd to this directory
- create a build directory and enter it
mkdir -p build && cd build
- generate cmake configuration
cmake ..
- build
cmake --build .
- You can find executable in bin directory
cd bin
- Start the server
- Start the client
- Chinese word cannot display
- Clients count has limit
- UI might wrong when terminal resized
- the behavior now is leave chat