This is the bot for honestly anyone who needs it
You can pin and unpin the messages in accountability channel by reacting with pin emoji.
You can convert time in your local timezone to UTC with /utc command
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm Continent/City" - date can be replaced with "today" (in your zone)
/utc without arguments shows current utc time
You can convert time in UTC to your timezone with /local command (limited to bot channel)
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm Continent/City" - date can be replaced with "today" (in UTC)
The bot also reacts to some words in your messages.
It also supports the quote engine with /quote (limited to bot channel)
Adding quote uses /add "Language" "Quote" "Translation if needed". Please stay civil when adding.
If you wrote it wrong - /del removes last quote. Please stay civil and don't delete more then needed.
/info command gives information about key koai concepts
/raid shows the initialisation of the raid timer. Shield emoji allows you to join the announced raid. After everyone has joined, press the sword emoji to proceed. Joining allows you to be mentioned after the raid is done
/break initializes the break timer. Bed emoji allows you to join the break Zzz emoji starts the break.
/invite prints invite link. Add whatever links you want.
/coin flips a coin for you
/rand number_of_participants number_of winners - choses random winners
/schedule Continent/City shows the list of events planned next week converted into your timezone. Default is UTC
/inquire "The message to keepers in quotes" - works in DMs only, sends your message to administration channel, so all the keepers can see it. They will be able to see who sent it and contact you back. Can be used for feedback or problem report
the bot also welcomes you when you join a new channel
Keepers can adjust channel roles with /addfunction and prefix with /setpref
Event Managers have access to /event command. Without arguments it shows all planned events. The event is added like /event date time channel "description however long it is". You will also recieve the ticket number, which can be used if you want to delete event
/delevent number removes your event