Hi ! 👋
Welcome to my little space of web creativity
- ✨ https://rapidosaas.com a boilerplate with two design systems
- ✨ https://coolui.vercel.app UI components that can be used in the boilerplate
- ✨ https://demo.instant-market.com mini store for local area
- ✨ https://devis-freelance.vercel.app App that estimate how much time and money for freelance
- ✨ https://hf-ai.vercel.app Experimentations with Hugging Face
- ✨ https://hf-spaces-ai.vercel.app llama
- ✨ https://github.com/nazimboudeffa/prompt-engineering-art-nextjs This one is okey
- ✨ https://github.com/nazimboudeffa/prompt-engineering-nextjs This one is still weak
- ✨ https://instant-market.com made with the boilerplate, public repo deployed on Vercel
- ✨ https://artisanat-dz.com made with the boilerplate, private repo deployed on Coolify
- ✨ https://learn.codewithadu.de exercises in JS
- ✨ https://allbiiiz.com used to create the boilerplate then one domain for all the SaaS
- ✨ https://bledmusic.vercel.app
- ✨ https://bledplus.vercel.app
- ✨ https://prompt-engineering.art renwed the domain name but nothing special atm
- ✨ https://psychoanalysis-ai.com coming soon
- ✨ https://cloudiste.fr will complete gfngames
- ✨ https://medusa-storefront-coffee.lebonshopping.fr removed from VPS but available here
- ✨ https://neofreelance.com WiP job board
- ✨ https://unfollowx.com
- ✨ https://clubdo.fr
- 🆙 https://247jeux.fr play for free and no limits
- 🆙 https://gfngames.com cloud gaming on GeForceNOW
- 🆙 https://bledtube.com DZ movies picks
- 🆙 https://manuels-anciens.com studies
- 🔷 https://fairy-services.com TODO
- 🔷 https://soukdlala.com TODO
- 🔫 https://nazimboudeffa.itch.io My PhaserJS games
Projects with MERN/NEXT stack are noted by ✨
✅ Lang : HTML/CSS, JS/TS
✅ FrontEnd : React/Next.js, TailWind/Shadcn, React Hook Form/Zod, NextAuth (Magiclink), Framer Motion, Stripe
✅ BackEnd : Nodejs/Express, MongoDB (compass, web?)
✅ DevOps : VPS (Ubuntu), DokPloy (docker), Vercel
TODO : Prisma/Postgres ...