Original library was great in every manner. In iOS, there was a small bug that cropping new image returned old image path which showed incorrect image. To make file name unique and avoid name mismatch, adding intervalString as an extra layer in the file name for iOS and it solved problem (at least for me). Feel free to use forked version this if you're facing the same bug in the original library.
Cordova plugin for image cropping with custom aspect ratio.
- android
- iOS
Type following command from CLI to add this plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-k-imagecropper
The plugin creates the object window.plugins.k.imagecropper
- open
- getImageDimension
var options = {
url: imageUrl, // required.
ratio: "6/4", // required. (here you can define your custom ration) "1/1" for square images
title: "Custom title", // optional. android only. (here you can put title of image cropper activity) default: Image Cropper
autoZoomEnabled: false // optional. android only. for iOS its always true (if it is true then cropper will automatically adjust the view) default: true
window.plugins.k.imagecropper.open(options, function(data) {
// its return an object with the cropped image cached url, cropped width & height, you need to manually delete the image from the application cache.
$scope.croppedImage = data;
}, function(error) {
var imagesArr = [
window.plugins.k.imagecropper.getImageDimension(imagesArr, function(data) {
// its return an array of object with the image url, width & height
$scope.croppedImage = data;
}, function(error) {