A bash script that gives a concise output for the ip command "show" functions Reminiscent of the ipconfig command in windows (with no args added) or the original ifconfig (no args) in unix/linux.
Goal is to take outputs to get ip address, network ID, MAC address, default gateway, and default DNS server(s) and put it in an easily-reachable command. May add new info, improve display or information, or make it more efficient in the future
You'll want to download the file and place it in /usr/local/bin/ or other suitable directory in $PATH. Remove .sh suffix or create easier alias to taste.
- Origin: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/uvq8nw/script_to_spruce_up_ips_output/
- This code subsequently forked from: https://github.com/pingej77/ipconfig.sh