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[1.20.4/5] Improved ModMismatchDisconnectedScreen and clientside hand…
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…ling of channel mismatches in general (#672)
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RedstoneDubstep authored May 28, 2024
1 parent c335a92 commit 4459a18
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package net.neoforged.neoforge.client.gui;

import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.Tesselator;
import com.mojang.logging.LogUtils;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
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import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiGraphics;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Button;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.components.CycleButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.components.MultiLineLabel;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.narration.NarrationElementOutput;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.FormattedCharSequence;
import net.neoforged.fml.ModList;
import net.neoforged.fml.i18n.FMLTranslations;
import net.neoforged.fml.loading.FMLPaths;
import net.neoforged.neoforge.client.gui.widget.ScrollPanel;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

public class ModMismatchDisconnectedScreen extends Screen {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
private final Component reason;
private MultiLineLabel message = MultiLineLabel.EMPTY;
private MismatchInfoPanel scrollList;
private final Screen parent;
private int textHeight;
private final Path modsDir;
private final Path logFile;
private final int listHeight = 140;
private final Map<ResourceLocation, Component> mismatchedChannelData;

public ModMismatchDisconnectedScreen(Screen parentScreen, Component title, Map<ResourceLocation, Component> mismatchedChannelData) {
public ModMismatchDisconnectedScreen(Screen parentScreen, Component reason, Map<ResourceLocation, Component> mismatchedChannelData) {
this.reason = reason;
this.parent = parentScreen;
this.modsDir = FMLPaths.MODSDIR.get();
this.logFile = FMLPaths.GAMEDIR.get().resolve(Paths.get("logs", "latest.log"));
this.mismatchedChannelData = mismatchedChannelData;
this.mismatchedChannelData.replaceAll((id, r) -> { //Enhance the reason components provided by the server with the info of which mod likely owns the given channel (based on the channel's namespace), if such a mod can be found on the client
Optional<String> modDisplayName = ModList.get().getModContainerById(id.getNamespace()).map(mod -> mod.getModInfo().getDisplayName());
return modDisplayName.isPresent() && !(r.getContents() instanceof TranslatableContents c && c.getKey().equals("")) ? Component.translatable("", modDisplayName.get(), r) : r;
this.mismatchedChannelData.forEach((id, r) -> LOGGER.warn("Channel [{}] failed to connect: {}", id, r.getString()));

protected void init() {
int listLeft = Math.max(8, this.width / 2 - 220);
int listWidth = Math.min(440, this.width - 16);
int upperButtonHeight = Math.min((this.height + this.listHeight + this.textHeight) / 2 + 10, this.height - 50);
int lowerButtonHeight = Math.min((this.height + this.listHeight + this.textHeight) / 2 + 35, this.height - 25);
this.addRenderableWidget(new MismatchInfoPanel(minecraft, listWidth, listHeight, (this.height - this.listHeight) / 2, listLeft));

this.message = MultiLineLabel.create(this.font, this.reason, this.width - 50);
this.textHeight = this.message.getLineCount() * 9;

int upperButtonHeight = Math.min((this.height + this.listHeight) / 2 + 25, this.height - 50);
int lowerButtonHeight = Math.min((this.height + this.listHeight) / 2 + 50, this.height - 25);
this.addRenderableWidget(this.scrollList = new MismatchInfoPanel(minecraft, listWidth, listHeight, (this.height - this.listHeight) / 2, listLeft));

int buttonWidth = Math.min(210, this.width / 2 - 20);
.create(Math.max(this.width / 4 - buttonWidth / 2, listLeft), upperButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20, Component.translatable("fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview"), (b, v) -> scrollList.toggleSimplifiedView()));
this.addRenderableWidget(Button.builder(Component.literal(FMLTranslations.parseMessage("", logFile.getFileName())), button -> Util.getPlatform().openFile(logFile.toFile()))
.bounds(Math.max(this.width / 4 - buttonWidth / 2, listLeft), upperButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20)
.bounds(Math.min(this.width * 3 / 4 - buttonWidth / 2, listLeft + listWidth - buttonWidth), upperButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20)
this.addRenderableWidget(Button.builder(Component.literal(FMLTranslations.parseMessage("")), button -> Util.getPlatform().openFile(modsDir.toFile()))
.bounds(Math.min(this.width * 3 / 4 - buttonWidth / 2, listLeft + listWidth - buttonWidth), upperButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20)
.bounds(Math.max(this.width / 4 - buttonWidth / 2, listLeft), lowerButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20)
this.addRenderableWidget(Button.builder(Component.translatable("gui.toMenu"), button -> this.minecraft.setScreen(this.parent))
.bounds((this.width - buttonWidth) / 2, lowerButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20)
.bounds(Math.min(this.width * 3 / 4 - buttonWidth / 2, listLeft + listWidth - buttonWidth), lowerButtonHeight, buttonWidth, 20)

public void render(GuiGraphics guiGraphics, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
this.renderBackground(guiGraphics, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
int textYOffset = 18;
guiGraphics.drawCenteredString(this.font, this.title, this.width / 2, (this.height - this.listHeight - this.textHeight) / 2 - textYOffset - 9 * 2, 0xAAAAAA);
super.render(guiGraphics, mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
guiGraphics.drawCenteredString(this.font, this.title, this.width / 2, (this.height - this.listHeight) / 2 - this.textHeight - 9 * 4, 0xAAAAAA);
this.message.renderCentered(guiGraphics, this.width / 2, (this.height - this.listHeight) / 2 - this.textHeight - 9 * 2);

class MismatchInfoPanel extends ScrollPanel {
private final List<Pair<FormattedCharSequence, FormattedCharSequence>> lineTable;
private final int contentSize;
private final int nameIndent = 10;
private final int tableWidth = width - border * 2 - 6 - nameIndent;
private final int nameWidth = tableWidth * 3 / 5;
private final int versionWidth = (tableWidth - nameWidth) / 2;
private final int nameWidth = tableWidth / 2;
private final int versionWidth = tableWidth - nameWidth;
private List<Pair<FormattedCharSequence, FormattedCharSequence>> lineTable;
private int contentSize;
private boolean oneChannelPerEntry = true;

public MismatchInfoPanel(Minecraft client, int width, int height, int top, int left) {
super(client, width, height, top, left);

//The raw list of the strings in a table row, the components may still be too long for the final table and will be split up later. The first row element may have a style assigned to it that will be used for the whole content row.
private void updateListContent() {
Map<List<ResourceLocation>, Component> mergedChannelData = sortAndMergeChannelData(mismatchedChannelData);
record Row(MutableComponent name, MutableComponent reason) {}
//The raw list of the strings in a table row, the components may still be too long for the final table and will be split up later. The first row element may have a style assigned to it that will be used for the whole content row.
List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>();
if (!mismatchedChannelData.isEmpty()) {
//This table section contains the mod name and both mod versions of each mod that has a mismatching client and server version
if (!mergedChannelData.isEmpty()) {
//Each table row contains the channel id(s) and the reason for the corresponding channel mismatch.
rows.add(new Row(Component.translatable("fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname"), Component.translatable("fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason")));
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<ResourceLocation, Component> modData : mismatchedChannelData.entrySet()) {
rows.add(new Row(toChannelNameComponent(modData.getKey()), modData.getValue().copy()));
if (++i >= 10) {
//If too many mismatched mod entries are present, append a line referencing how to see the full list and stop rendering any more entries
rows.add(new Row(Component.literal(""), Component.translatable("fml.modmismatchscreen.additional", mismatchedChannelData.size() - i).withStyle(ChatFormatting.ITALIC)));
for (Map.Entry<List<ResourceLocation>, Component> channelData : mergedChannelData.entrySet()) {
rows.add(new Row(toChannelComponent(channelData.getKey(), i % 2 == 0 ? ChatFormatting.GOLD : ChatFormatting.YELLOW), channelData.getValue().copy()));
if (++i == 30 && mergedChannelData.size() > 30) {
//If too many mismatched channel entries are present, append a line referencing how to see the full list and stop rendering any more entries
rows.add(new Row(Component.literal(""), Component.translatable("fml.modmismatchscreen.additional", mergedChannelData.size() - i).withStyle(ChatFormatting.ITALIC)));
Expand All @@ -111,21 +136,49 @@ record Row(MutableComponent name, MutableComponent reason) {}

this.lineTable = -> splitLineToWidth(, p.reason()).stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
this.contentSize = lineTable.size();
this.scrollDistance = 0;

* Iterates over the raw channel mismatch data and merges entries with the same reason component into one channel mismatch entry each.
* Due to the reason component always containing the display name of the mod that likely owns the associated channel, this step effectively groups channels by their most likely owning mod candidate,
* so users can see more easily which mods might be the culprits of the negotiation failure that caused this screen to appear.
* @param mismatchedChannelData The raw mismatched channel data received from the server, which might contain entries with duplicate channel mismatch reasons
* @return A map containing channel mismatch entries with unique reasons. Each channel mismatch entry contains the list of all channels that share the same reason component,
* mapped to that reason component.
private Map<List<ResourceLocation>, Component> sortAndMergeChannelData(Map<ResourceLocation, Component> mismatchedChannelData) {
Map<Component, List<ResourceLocation>> channelsByReason = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<ResourceLocation> sortedChannels = mismatchedChannelData.keySet().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(ResourceLocation::toString)).toList();
for (ResourceLocation channel : sortedChannels) {
Component channelMismatchReason = mismatchedChannelData.get(channel);
if (channelsByReason.containsKey(channelMismatchReason))
channelsByReason.put(channelMismatchReason, Lists.newArrayList(channel));

Map<List<ResourceLocation>, Component> channelMismatchEntries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<Component> sortedChannelEntries = channelsByReason.entrySet().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(entry -> entry.getValue().get(0).toString())).map(Map.Entry::getKey).toList();
for (Component mismatchReason : sortedChannelEntries) {
channelMismatchEntries.put(channelsByReason.get(mismatchReason), mismatchReason);

return channelMismatchEntries;

* Splits the raw name and version strings, making them use multiple lines if needed, to fit within the table dimensions.
* Splits the raw channel namespace and mismatch reason strings, making them use multiple lines if needed, to fit within the table dimensions.
* The style assigned to the name element is then applied to the entire content row.
* @param name The first element of the content row, usually representing a table section header or the name of a mod entry
* @param reason The second element of the content row, usually representing the reason why the mod is mismatched
* @param name The first element of the content row, usually representing a table section header or a channel name entry
* @param reason The second element of the content row, usually representing the reason why the channel is mismatched
* @return A list of table rows consisting of 2 elements each which consist of the same content as was given by the parameters, but split up to fit within the table dimensions.
private List<Pair<FormattedCharSequence, FormattedCharSequence>> splitLineToWidth(MutableComponent name, MutableComponent reason) {
Style style = name.getStyle();
int versionColumns = 1;
int adaptedNameWidth = nameWidth + versionWidth * (2 - versionColumns) - 4; //the name width may be expanded when the version column string is missing
List<FormattedCharSequence> nameLines = font.split(name, adaptedNameWidth);
List<FormattedCharSequence> nameLines = font.split(name, nameWidth - 4);
List<FormattedCharSequence> reasonLines = font.split(reason.setStyle(style), versionWidth - 4);
List<Pair<FormattedCharSequence, FormattedCharSequence>> splitLines = new ArrayList<>();

Expand All @@ -137,26 +190,30 @@ private List<Pair<FormattedCharSequence, FormattedCharSequence>> splitLineToWidt

* Adds a style information to the given mod name string. The style assigned to the returned component contains the color of the mod name,
* a hover event containing the given id, and an optional click event, which opens the homepage of mod, if present.
* Formats the given list of channel ids to a component which, depending on the current display mode of the list, will list either the first or all channel ids.
* If only one channel id is shown, the amount of channels that have the same reason component will also be displayed next to the channel id.
* The component is colored in the given color, which will be used for the whole content row.
* @param id An id that gets displayed in the hover event. Depending on the origin it may only consist of a namespace (the mod id) or a namespace + path (a channel id associated with the mod).
* @return A component with the mod name as the main text component, and an assigned style which will be used for the whole content row.
* @param ids The list of channel ids to be formatted to the component. Depending on the current list mode, either the full list or the first entry will be used for the component text.
* @param color Defines the color of the returned component.
* @return A component with one or all entries of the channel id list as the main text component, and an assigned color which will be used for the whole content row.
private MutableComponent toChannelNameComponent(ResourceLocation id) {
String modId = id.getNamespace();

String url = ModList.get().getModContainerById(modId)
.flatMap(container -> container.getModInfo().getModURL())
MutableComponent result = Component.literal(id.toString()).withStyle(ChatFormatting.YELLOW);
if (!url.isEmpty()) {
result = result.withStyle(s -> s.withHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(Action.SHOW_TEXT, Component.translatable("fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page", id.toString()))))
.withStyle(s -> s.withClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, url)));
private MutableComponent toChannelComponent(List<ResourceLocation> ids, ChatFormatting color) {
MutableComponent namespaceComponent;
if (oneChannelPerEntry) {
namespaceComponent = Component.literal(ids.get(0).toString()).withStyle(color);

if (ids.size() > 1)
namespaceComponent.append(Component.literal("\n[+%s more]".formatted(ids.size() - 1)).withStyle(ChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY));
} else
namespaceComponent = ComponentUtils.formatList(ids, ComponentUtils.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, r -> Component.literal(r.toString())).withStyle(color);

return namespaceComponent;

return result;
public void toggleSimplifiedView() {
this.oneChannelPerEntry = !this.oneChannelPerEntry;

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