Releases: neptune12100/SpellLibrary
Releases · neptune12100/SpellLibrary
SpellLibrary v0.3.2-alpha
Added notes to spells and updated to work with 1.11 (mojang changed how textures are named)
Alpha Version 0.3.1
I've changed the "import from save" dialog to a proper FolderBrowserDialog because... ah screw it I didn't know FolderBrowserDialogs were a thing and thus did it a stuped before. It makes sense now.
v0.3 alpha
Added the rather useful ability to scan Minecraft worlds and extract spells from them (player inventories/storage/programmers). Click the "Import from Save" button and select the save's "level.dat" file.
Changed the layout, again. Now looks 20% significantly cooler.
v0.2 alpha
Fixed zip code and layout so it should now work on Linux/Mac.
version 0.1 alpha
First "release" version. Should be functional enough to use.