Beta release 0.4.4
CRAC 0.4.4 Beta pre-release 🧪
This is a simple beta testing release with around 17 simple commands, the commands are:
help, charinfo, tts, profile, play, join, leave, timeout, kick, ban, unban, shutdown, start, stream, play, watch, and listen. Nearly daily updates are to be expected.
Program size: ~0.04 MB (~43.1 KB)
Release date: 05/10/2024 2:45 AM BST
- This version contains the usage of deprecated classes/functions and similar.
- Unstable and not defined behaviour, this version might contain errors that are not handled properly or at all and general bugs.
- No proper separation, this program version is currently a relative mess and not well structured, which may cause issues when customizing and or setting the bot up.
- The charinfo command still has no support for a large number of special characters
- Ban & Unban commands don't handle all exceptions and may cause undefined/buggy behaviour
- There is no untimeout command and timeouts can only be in one unit of one amount
- Status config commands still exist and have not been removed yet
- Join/leave commands still not added to help embed
- Many commands missing proper or any error handling
- More unknown issues may exist
Change log:
- Changed the default Logger construct-er log output path to ./logs/output.log instead of ./logs/output.log
- Added tts command
- Added tts command to the help embed
- Added leave command
- Added join command
- Added run logs to join the command
- Added run logs to leave command
- Added run logs to TTS command
- Changed tts command messages to be embedded
- Added more error handling to the tts command
- Updated tts command success embed to have a channel link and not a name
- Added play command
- Patched play command to not leave after starting to play
- Added play command to help embed
- Added profile command
- Added profile command to help embed
- Added failsafes and exception handling in the profile command
Update notes:
I will remove all status config commands as they affect the bot across all guilds (Servers) and are just added as a proof of concept. The commands and features I will be adding are config files, untimeout commands, voice chat mute commands, per guild config, music features, and other fun features! Another feature, probably the biggest one (since it will allow for a lot of new features) will be the music queue backend change since it will allow for many new features.
Created by Nerd Bear (This version of CRAC is open source and under the apache2 license)