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Releases: netbox-community/netbox-docker

Version 3.2.0

06 Feb 06:18
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Noteworthy Changes

Display Docker image version #1380

Display the version of our Docker image in the bottom right corner off NetBox.

Updates for new branch names #1382

The Readme now refers to the correct NetBox branches and #1252

Added some documentation for project

Use hosted Ubuntu 24.04 runners #1376

The tests now run on the Github runners for x64 and arm64.

Update issue reporting #1329

Small changes to our issue templates

Improved image build #1386

uv is used to build the virtual environment in our image.
If you build you own image derived from ours you will have to update your Dockerfile / Containerfile.

Add: IPv6-only support => Update docker/nginx-unit.json #1384

Nginx Unit is now (once again) configured to listen on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.2.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 3.1.1

20 Jan 08:43
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Noteworthy Changes

Update dependency sentry-sdk to v2.20.0 #1375

Updated to latest version

Update Nginx unit to 1.34.1 #1372

Update Nginx Unit to the latest version to fix a crash with OpenTelemetry support

Feature: Support ISOLATED_DEPLOYMENT setting #1377

Read ISOLATED_DEPLOYMENT from environment variables


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.2.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 3.1.0

07 Jan 07:53
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Noteworthy Changes

Fixes #1331: Added 'forwarded' section Unit config #1347

Trust proxies on RFC1918 networks to set X-Forwarded-* headers

Update dependency django-auth-ldap to v5.1.0 #1338

Updated to latest version

Update dependency sentry-sdk to v2.19.2 #1359

Updated to latest version

Update Docker tag to v17 #1326

Our docker-compose file was updated to use PostgreSQL 17.

Note that you will need to take manual action after you upgrade a live PostgreSQL database.
If your database is not too big, a full backup (with PostgreSQL 16, i.e. before the upgrade) and restore (with a clean PostgreSQL 17, i.e. after the upgrade) is probably the easiest to achieve. Our troubleshooting wiki page has instructions on how to backup and restore a Netbox database. Please test the procedure on a test system first!

Note that there is no requirement to update to PostgreSQL 17, you can stick to version 16 just fine. You could do this with a docker-compose.override.yml like so:

    image: postgres:16-alpine

Update dependency dulwich to v0.22.7 #1363

Updated to latest version

Upgrade Nginx Unit to version 1.34

Update Nginx Unit to the latest version


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.2.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 3.0.2

19 Sep 12:22
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Noteworthy Changes

When no build is needed don't create the buildx config #1309

Fixes a problem that lets builds fail, when no new image needed to be build

Update dependency sentry-sdk to v2.14.0 #1315

Updated to newest version

Upgrade Nginx Unit to version 1.33

Update Nginx Unit to the newest version


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.1.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 3.0.1

06 Sep 07:42
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Noteworthy Changes

Use Docker Build Cloud for releases #1303

To fix a problem with our QEMU based multi-arch we are now using the Docker buid cloud. This should improved the build time a bit and make the build more stable.


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.1.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 3.0.0

03 Sep 20:03
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Noteworthy Changes

Prepare for Ubuntu 24.04 #1287

Image is now based on Ubuntu 24.04 and uses Python 3.12

Switch from Redis to Valkey and add Healthchecks #1203

Use Valkey because of the licence changes from Redis

Add HTTP_PROXIES related parameters #1255

Add xmlsec with no-binary option #1230

add missing REMOTE_AUTH config options #1144

Change LOGIN_REQUIRED default to 'True' #1240

Default was changed in NetBox (netbox-community/netbox#16107 and netbox-community/netbox#16122)

Increase start period of netbox container healthcheck (fixes #1231) #1233

Default value is now 30s higher to give the migrations more time


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.1.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 2.9.1

07 May 16:29
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Noteworthy Changes

Fix #1222: Use /login/ as health check URL #1223

Because /api/ now requires a login when LOGIN_REQUIRED is true, we now use /login/ to check the container

Install Sentry Django integration correctly #1224

Ensures that the Django integration for sentry-sdk is installed


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.0.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 2.9.0

06 May 19:26
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Noteworthy Changes

Add env var for CENSUS_REPORTING_ENABLED #1133

Add Redis Sentinel config as environment vars #1134

Fix segfault in python3-saml #1135

See SAML-Toolkits/python3-saml#389 clarify default token message #1138

Unit and Ubuntu update #1167

We are now using Ubuntu 23.10 and Nginx Unit 1.32

Update dependency sentry-sdk to v1.44.0 #1189

The sentry-sdk is included in the image once again.

Adds HSTS related parameters #1209

Updated dependencies

  • dulwich to v0.22.1 #1208
  • psycopg to v3.1.18 #1151
  • django-auth-ldap to v4.8.0 #1196
  • django-storages to v1.14.3 #1216
  • Github Actions:
    • github/super-linter action to v6 #1210


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v4.0.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 2.8.0

02 Jan 07:57
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Noteworthy Changes

Update postgres Docker tag to v16 #1082

Our docker-compose file was updated to use PostgreSQL 16.

Note that you will need to take manual action after you upgrade a live PostgreSQL database.
If your database is not too big, a full backup (with PostgreSQL 15, i.e. before the upgrade) and restore (with a clean PostgreSQL 16, i.e. after the upgrade) is probably the easiest to achieve. Our troubleshooting wiki page has instructions on how to backup and restore a Netbox database. Please test the procedure on a test system first!

Note that there is no requirement to update to PostgreSQL 16, you can stick to version 15 just fine. You could do this with a docker-compose.override.yml like so:

version: '3.4'
    image: postgres:15-alpine

Updated dependencies

  • dulwich to v0.21.7 #1120
  • psycopg to v3.1.16 #1115
  • python3-saml to v1.16.0 #1101
  • django-auth-ldap to v4.6.0 #1097
  • django-storages to v1.14.2 #1100
  • Github Actions:
    • actions/setup-python action to v5 #1122
    • docker/login-action action to v3 #1074
    • docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 #1076


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v3.7.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.

Version 2.7.0

30 Aug 21:23
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Noteworthy Changes

Preparation for Netbox 3.6 #1039

  • Please also read the release note for Netbox.
  • Installed openssh-client for data sources; Note: This still needs a user with home directory and SSH configuration to work


Updated for new variable names in Netbox

Update Ubuntu und Nginx Unit #1010

Image is now based in Ubuntu 23.04 and Nginx Unit 1.30

docker-compose.yml: fix volume mount options #1024

Removed the z option from bind mounts

Update dependency django-auth-ldap to v4.4.0 #1034

netbox.env: fixed unwanted string interpolation #1042

Fixed for secret keys with $

Set REMOTE_AUTH_AUTO_CREATE_USER default to False #1043

Changed the default to match the value from Netbox

Map REMOTE_AUTH_BACKEND env var to list #1059

This can now be a list in Netbox


This version of NetBox Docker is only compatible with NetBox v3.6.x and above.
For older versions, use a previous release of NetBox Docker.