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Setup GKE cluster

gcloud container clusters create "${GKE_CLUSTER_NAME}" --project="${GKE_PROJECT_ID}" --machine-type="${GKE_CLUSTER_TYPE}" --num-nodes="${GKE_CLUSTER_NUM_NODES}" --zone="${GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE}" -q
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${GKE_CLUSTER_NAME}" --project="${GKE_PROJECT_ID}" --zone="${GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE}"
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user "$(gcloud config get-value account)"

To have AF_XDP support, you need to use gVNIC. Add --enable-gvnic to the cluster creation command.

Destroy GKE cluster

gcloud container clusters delete "${GKE_CLUSTER_NAME}" --project="${GKE_PROJECT_ID}" --zone="${GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE}" -q