The view of the specification through an endpoint.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | str | the type of meta-analysis being run, typically either cbma or ibma, but others may become available in the future. | [optional] |
estimator | Estimator | [optional] | |
mask | str | a string representing a binary nifti file to select which voxels a user wants to include in the analysis. | [optional] |
conditions | SpecificationConditions | [optional] | |
weights | List[float] | [optional] | |
transformer | str | A transformation applied to column(s) (e.g., binarize based on a threshold). This is likely to become deprecated. | [optional] |
corrector | Corrector | [optional] | |
filter | str | a column from annotations selecting which analyses to include in the meta-analysis | [optional] |
database_studyset | str | [optional] | |
id | str | the identifier for the resource. | [optional] |
updated_at | datetime | when the resource was last modified. | [optional] [readonly] |
created_at | datetime | When the resource was created. | [optional] [readonly] |
user | str | Who owns the resource. | [optional] |
username | str | [optional] [readonly] |
from neurosynth_compose_sdk.models.specification_return import SpecificationReturn
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of SpecificationReturn from a JSON string
specification_return_instance = SpecificationReturn.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
specification_return_dict = specification_return_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of SpecificationReturn from a dict
specification_return_from_dict = SpecificationReturn.from_dict(specification_return_dict)