api to create a meta-analysis specification
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Generator version: 7.11.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://github.com/jdkent
Python 3.8+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
Then import the package:
import neurosynth_compose_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import neurosynth_compose_sdk
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import neurosynth_compose_sdk
from neurosynth_compose_sdk.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://compose.neurosynth.org/api
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = neurosynth_compose_sdk.Configuration(
host = "https://compose.neurosynth.org/api"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with neurosynth_compose_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = neurosynth_compose_sdk.AnnotationsApi(api_client)
# GET a list of annotations
api_response = api_instance.annotations_get()
print("The response of AnnotationsApi->annotations_get:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AnnotationsApi->annotations_get: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://compose.neurosynth.org/api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_get | GET /annotations | GET a list of annotations |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_id_get | GET /annotations/{id} | GET information about an annotation |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_id_put | PUT /annotations/{id} | Update an Annotation |
AnnotationsApi | annotations_post | POST /annotations | Create a new Annotation |
ComposeApi | annotations_get | GET /annotations | GET a list of annotations |
ComposeApi | annotations_id_get | GET /annotations/{id} | GET information about an annotation |
ComposeApi | annotations_id_put | PUT /annotations/{id} | Update an Annotation |
ComposeApi | annotations_post | POST /annotations | Create a new Annotation |
ComposeApi | meta_analyses_get | GET /meta-analyses | GET a list of meta-analyses |
ComposeApi | meta_analyses_id_get | GET /meta-analyses/{id} | GET meta-analysis information |
ComposeApi | meta_analyses_id_put | PUT /meta-analyses/{id} | Update a meta-analysis |
ComposeApi | meta_analyses_post | POST /meta-analyses | Create a new meta-analysis |
ComposeApi | meta_analysis_results_get | GET /meta-analysis-results | Your GET endpoint |
ComposeApi | meta_analysis_results_id_get | GET /meta-analysis-results/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
ComposeApi | meta_analysis_results_id_put | PUT /meta-analysis-results/{id} | |
ComposeApi | meta_analysis_results_post | POST /meta-analysis-results | |
ComposeApi | projects_get | GET /projects | Your GET endpoint |
ComposeApi | projects_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{id} | |
ComposeApi | projects_id_get | GET /projects/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
ComposeApi | projects_id_put | PUT /projects/{id} | |
ComposeApi | projects_post | POST /projects | |
ComposeApi | specifications_get | GET /specifications | Get a list of Specifications |
ComposeApi | specifications_id_get | GET /specifications/{id} | Get information about a Specification |
ComposeApi | specifications_id_put | PUT /specifications/{id} | Update Meta-Analysis specification |
ComposeApi | specifications_post | POST /specifications | Create a Specification |
ComposeApi | studysets_get | GET /studysets | Get a list of Studysets |
ComposeApi | studysets_id_get | GET /studysets/{id} | Get information about a Studyset |
ComposeApi | studysets_id_put | PUT /studysets/{id} | Update a Studyset |
ComposeApi | studysets_post | POST /studysets | Create a new Studyset |
DefaultApi | meta_analyses_id_delete | DELETE /meta-analyses/{id} | |
DefaultApi | studyset_references_get | GET /studyset-references | Your GET endpoint |
DefaultApi | studyset_references_id_get | GET /studyset-references/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
GetApi | annotations_get | GET /annotations | GET a list of annotations |
GetApi | annotations_id_get | GET /annotations/{id} | GET information about an annotation |
GetApi | meta_analyses_get | GET /meta-analyses | GET a list of meta-analyses |
GetApi | meta_analyses_id_get | GET /meta-analyses/{id} | GET meta-analysis information |
GetApi | meta_analysis_results_get | GET /meta-analysis-results | Your GET endpoint |
GetApi | meta_analysis_results_id_get | GET /meta-analysis-results/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
GetApi | projects_get | GET /projects | Your GET endpoint |
GetApi | projects_id_get | GET /projects/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
GetApi | specifications_get | GET /specifications | Get a list of Specifications |
GetApi | specifications_id_get | GET /specifications/{id} | Get information about a Specification |
GetApi | studysets_get | GET /studysets | Get a list of Studysets |
GetApi | studysets_id_get | GET /studysets/{id} | Get information about a Studyset |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analyses_get | GET /meta-analyses | GET a list of meta-analyses |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analyses_id_get | GET /meta-analyses/{id} | GET meta-analysis information |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analyses_id_put | PUT /meta-analyses/{id} | Update a meta-analysis |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analyses_post | POST /meta-analyses | Create a new meta-analysis |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analysis_results_get | GET /meta-analysis-results | Your GET endpoint |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analysis_results_id_get | GET /meta-analysis-results/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analysis_results_id_put | PUT /meta-analysis-results/{id} | |
MetaAnalysesApi | meta_analysis_results_post | POST /meta-analysis-results | |
PostApi | annotations_post | POST /annotations | Create a new Annotation |
PostApi | meta_analyses_post | POST /meta-analyses | Create a new meta-analysis |
PostApi | meta_analysis_results_post | POST /meta-analysis-results | |
PostApi | projects_post | POST /projects | |
PostApi | specifications_post | POST /specifications | Create a Specification |
PostApi | studysets_post | POST /studysets | Create a new Studyset |
ProjectsApi | projects_get | GET /projects | Your GET endpoint |
ProjectsApi | projects_id_delete | DELETE /projects/{id} | |
ProjectsApi | projects_id_get | GET /projects/{id} | Your GET endpoint |
ProjectsApi | projects_id_put | PUT /projects/{id} | |
ProjectsApi | projects_post | POST /projects | |
PutApi | annotations_id_put | PUT /annotations/{id} | Update an Annotation |
PutApi | meta_analyses_id_put | PUT /meta-analyses/{id} | Update a meta-analysis |
PutApi | meta_analysis_results_id_put | PUT /meta-analysis-results/{id} | |
PutApi | projects_id_put | PUT /projects/{id} | |
PutApi | specifications_id_put | PUT /specifications/{id} | Update Meta-Analysis specification |
PutApi | studysets_id_put | PUT /studysets/{id} | Update a Studyset |
SpecificationsApi | specifications_get | GET /specifications | Get a list of Specifications |
SpecificationsApi | specifications_id_get | GET /specifications/{id} | Get information about a Specification |
SpecificationsApi | specifications_id_put | PUT /specifications/{id} | Update Meta-Analysis specification |
SpecificationsApi | specifications_post | POST /specifications | Create a Specification |
StudysetsApi | studysets_get | GET /studysets | Get a list of Studysets |
StudysetsApi | studysets_id_get | GET /studysets/{id} | Get information about a Studyset |
StudysetsApi | studysets_id_put | PUT /studysets/{id} | Update a Studyset |
StudysetsApi | studysets_post | POST /studysets | Create a new Studyset |
UsersApi | users_get | GET /users | GET list of Users |
UsersApi | users_id_get | GET /users/{id} | Get User Info by User ID |
UsersApi | users_id_put | PUT /users/{id} | Update User Information |
UsersApi | users_post | POST /users | Create A New User |
- Annotation
- AnnotationList
- AnnotationPostBody
- AnnotationReturn
- AnnotationUpdate
- Corrector
- Estimator
- MetaAnalysesGet400Response
- MetaAnalysis
- MetaAnalysisAnnotation
- MetaAnalysisList
- MetaAnalysisPostBody
- MetaAnalysisResults
- MetaAnalysisReturn
- MetaAnalysisSpecification
- MetaAnalysisStudyset
- NeurostoreAnalysis
- NeurostoreStudy
- NeurostoreStudyList
- NeurostoreStudyReturn
- NeurovaultCollection
- NeurovaultCollectionFiles
- NeurovaultCollectionReturn
- NeurovaultFile
- NeurovaultFileList
- NeurovaultFileReturn
- NeurovaultList
- Project
- ProjectList
- ProjectMetaAnalyses
- ProjectReturn
- ReadOnly
- Result
- ResultInit
- ResultList
- ResultListResults
- ResultReturn
- Specification
- SpecificationConditions
- SpecificationList
- SpecificationPostBody
- SpecificationReturn
- Studyset
- StudysetList
- StudysetPostBody
- StudysetReference
- StudysetReferenceList
- StudysetReferenceReturn
- StudysetReferenceSnapshotsInner
- StudysetReturn
- User
- UserList
- UserReturn
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Compose-Upload-Key
- Location: HTTP header