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J. Neuschäfer edited this page Feb 18, 2025 · 18 revisions

aka. L-321agn Wireless (R2), L-322agn dual Wireless


  • LANCOM console port (RS-232 over mini-DIN 8-pin)
  • 1x Gbit Ethernet, PoE enabled, +1 unpopulated port
  • 12 V DC
  • 1x mPCIe slot (for WLAN), +1 unpopulated slot


Top side:

  • U1: Freescale MPC8314E SoC - powerpc 32-bit, PowerQUICC II, e300 core
  • U5/6: 2x NANYA NT5TU32M16EC-AC, 512Mb DDR2 SDRAM (128 MiB total)
  • U22: Atheros AR8035-A Ethernet PHY
  • U21: SIPEX SP3238ECA RS-232 Transciever
  • U11: P16C557, PCIe® 2.0 Clock Generator
  • U14/15: 2x HC 595A PHCE, Onsemi MC74HC595A: 8-Bit Serial-Input/Serial or Parallel-Output Shift Register with Latched 3-State Outputs
  • U20: TI SNx4HC165 8-bit parrallel-load shit register (marked HC165 3H6H701)
  • U16: TI CD54HC221 high-speed CMOS logic dual monostable multivibrator with reset (marked HJ221 53K)
  • U19: TI SNx4HC74 dual D-type positive-edge-triggered flip-flops with clear/preset (marked HC74 3C9Y501)
  • U17: ADI ADM708 low-cost microprocessor supervisory circuit (NOTE: the watchdog is not present in this variant)

Bottom side:

  • U7: Micron 29F2G08ABAEA, 2Gb ONFI NAND flash (256 MiB)
  • U10: TI SNx4LVC08A Quad 2-input AND gates (marked LC08A 53K)
  • U34: TI SNx4HC4060 14-stage async binary counter/oscillator (marked 550380K HC4060)
    • acts as watchdog timer
    • using a RC oscillator. R1=40C (?), R2=1Ω → 1.75 kHz
    • the output of pin 1, 2, or 3 is selected by 10kΩ resistor placement (reset pulse?), goes to both sides of JP5
      • 4.6s period (toggles every 2.3s), 1.8V
      • T7 brings it to 3.6V

Boot logs

On a device which inexplicably forgot its firmware:
memory test:  1 2 3 4 5  OK

Found primary and mirror bbt


| LANCOM L-321agn Wireless (R2)
| Copyright (C) LANCOM Systems
| Ver. 4.00.0001 / 12052014 / 132211

Start Xmodem Upload

Receive Error

Upload aborted
Successful boot
memory test:  1 2 3 4 5  OK

Found primary and mirror bbt

Start firmware #1

ZLoader running..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Outband-115200 Bit/s OK

Pressing enter after boot starts the LCOS shell.


  • Booting with JP3 (DBG) bridged drops you into a little shell.
  • Shorting JP5 to ground disables the watchdog.

Bootloader shell

LANCOM Systems Boot-Loader log
Found primary and mirror bbt

LANCOM Systems Boot-Loader
Version 4.00.0001 / 12052014 / 132211
Copyright (C) 2012 LANCOM Systems GmbH
 Vendor: LANCOM Systems
 Device: LANCOM L-321agn Wireless (R2)
 HwId:   NWAPP2
HW-Release: H, PLD-Release: --
CCB clock 133MHz, Core clock 400MHz, VCO clock 267MHz, DDR clock 133MHz LBC Clock 33MHz
Reset cause: 0

Debug-Adapter: absent
phystop: 08000000, ramfirm_end: 08000000
Minimum FW/LD version is 8.82/3.41
Active Firmware: 2
Bitrate = 115200.8N1

Adr = 00000000, Len=0x80
00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
00000010:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
00000020:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 01 F9 E0 00 00 00 00 | ................
00000030:  00 10 00 00 00 10 73 30  00 00 8A 30 48 00 89 F4 | ......s0...0H...
00000040:  00 02 ED 10 00 00 00 04  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 | ................
00000050:  FE 00 00 00 FE 02 ED 10  FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
00000060:  34 2E 30 30 3F 00 00 00  00 FF 22 C1 00 00 00 02 | 4.00?.....".....
00000070:  00 02 ED 10 42 00 00 00  60 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 | ....B...`...`...


Monitor help page
 V<adr>  : Dump memory addresses <adr>
 G       : Start active firmware
 I       : Version Info
 U0,U1   : Upload file to Flash-ROM by XMODEM-/CRC
 R       : Reboot (Warmstart)

 Bx      : Modify outband bitrate

 E ...*  : Erase menu       * = action required
 F ...   : Firmware menu
 T ...   : Test menu

Memory can be dumped by repeatedly issuing V commands.

The test (T) menu has a few more peek/poke commands, as well as lspci.

Memory map

address length description
00000000 128 MiB RAM
e0000000 1 MiB MMIO (relocated by IMMRBAR)

Flash layout

address length description
00000000 00008000 loader 1
00008000 00078000 loader 2
00080000 00f80000 loader spare (empty)
01000000 0f000000 YAFFS file system


The MPC8314E has 32 GPIOs. Their usage on the NWAPP2 board is as follows, (#) indicates active low signals:

function GPIO GPIO function
software debug mode (#) 0 16
reset button (#) 1 17
  2 18 watchdog toggle
SPI GPIO expander latch clock 3 19
  4 20
SPI GPIO expander CS(#) ??? 5 21
  6 22 PHY reset (#)
PCIe clockgen reset (#) 7 23
  8 24
  9 25
board reset 10 26
  11 27
  12 28
  13 29
  14 30
  15 31
  • Note that the GPIO numbers correspond to bit numbers in IBM bit order, e.g. GPIO 0 = mask 0x80000000, GPIO 18 = mask 0x2000.
  • The GPIO expander doesn't actually seem to require a chip select. The latch clock is enough. LCOS interacts with pin 5 for some reason.


  • Internal watchdog: write 0x556c, 0xaa39 to 0xe000020e
    • This one isn't actually enabled at boot. Linux stays alive without it.
  • External watchdog: Toggle GPIO 18 (mask 0x2000) by writing to GPDAT (0xe0000c08)


The board has multiple bi-colored LEDs (A=red + B=green), which are controlled by SPI-connected GPIO expanders. # indicates active-low.

U14 pin U15
LED1A (Power) A LED6A
LED4A (WLAN Data) E LED18A# (Power, top)
-- F LED18B#
LED5A G LED19A# (WLAN Link, top)
  H LED19B#

Note: The green part of LED7 (ETH) is directly connected to the Ethernet PHY and doesn't require any software control.


In L-321 devices, only one of the two mini-PCIe slots is populated.

pinout diagram for mini-PCIe

Repopulating the second PCIe slot

  • Soldering the slot itself is fairly straight-forward, but make sure to test for continuity and shorts.
  • By default, the 3.3V rail (pin 2) isn't active.
    • Populate L22, which brings 3.3V
    • Populate C293, C294, C295, as well as C291, C292 to stabilize the 3.3V supply
  • Add some sort of mounting holes (CN19/13 or CN20/15)

General notes

  • If you're going to use power-hungry peripherals such as a graphics card, make sure your power supply is up to the task
  • Mini PCIe cards (e.g. the original ath9k WLAN cards) work under Linux, SATA and USB cards won't
  • Mini PCIe extenders with a "USB" cable, commonly found on Aliexpress/eBay/etc. may cause a Machine Check Exception during MMIO access

Installing custom software

Hardware prerequisites:

  • RS-232 cable and LANCOM console adapter (12€ on eBay)
  • 12V power supply
  • Ethernet cable

Software prerequisites:

  • A powerpc toolchain. Debian's gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu package works fine.
  • make and python3
  • lancom-flash-tools
  • My U-Boot fork, branch nwapp2
  • My Linux fork, branch mpc83xx
  • Linux userspace, e.g. Buildroot, Adélie Linux or void-ppc
    • Note that Adélie and void-ppc are (at least in part) built for PowerPC G3/G4, but the e300 processor in this device is based on the 603 (aka. G2).
  • A console client, such as busybox microcom, minicom, etc.
  • An Xmodem client, such as sx from lrzsz or minicom

Building U-Boot:

  • cd your U-Boot clone
  • make lancom_nwapp2_defconfig
  • export CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc-linux-gnu-
  • CROSS=powerpc-linux-gnu-; make CC=${CROSS}gcc LD=${CROSS}ld
  • you should now have a u-boot.bin file of roughly half a megabyte

Building lolmon:

  • cd your lancom-flash-tools clone
  • cd examples
  • ln -s path to your U-Boot clone uboot
  • ./
  • you should now have a monitor.upx file, which includes U-Boot

Installing lolmon/U-Boot through the bootloader:

  • Connect your RS-232 cable to the device
  • Power it on with the DBG jumper set
  • The bootloader debug menu (V<adr>/I/R/G/B/S/U/D/e/f/t/H/?>) should appear. If it doesn't, press space a few times
  • Press u1 to start a XModem-CRC transfer
  • Send monitor.upx to the device, through XModem and detach the console client (
    • Note: The previous two steps may have to be repeated a few times. At least in my setup the first transfer is unlikely to succeed (it just stops at some point). Starting a transfer and letting it time out may help.
  • After the XModem transfer is successful, attach the console client again
  • Optionally, you can verify that your program was installed using the firmware menu (f)

Running lolmon/U-Boot:

  • Press g in the bootloader debug menu, or power the device on without the DBG jumper
  • To use lolmon, press any key within one second; otherwise U-Boot is automatically started
  • On the U-Boot shell, you may set various environment variables with setenv and persist the environment in flash with saveenv
    • For example, for TFTP boot you may want to set ipaddr, serverip and bootfile
    • The Linux kernel command line is stored in bootargs
    • Automatic boot is configured through bootdelay and bootcmd

Building Linux:

  • cd your Linux clone
  • export ARCH=powerpc
  • export CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc-linux-gnu-
  • make mpc83xx_defconfig
  • optionally make desktop.config to apply desktop defaults
  • make nconfig to select additional kernel features that you need
  • make

Booting Linux via TFTP:

  • Set up a TFTP server
  • Copy into the TFTP server's root and set it world-readable
  • Connect the device to the same network
  • On the U-Boot shell:
    • setenv ipaddr (address of the device)
    • setenv serverip (address of the TFTP server)
    • tftp
      • Note: the filename is unnecessary if you set the bootfile variable
    • bootm

Booting Linux from NAND flash:

  • Boot to Linux
    • cat /proc/mtd to verify that Linux knows the loader-spare partition
    • Transfer to Linux somehow
    • Write to the loader-spare partition (/dev/mtdblockN)
  • To boot once (in U-Boot):
    • mtd read loader-spare ${loadaddr} 0 0xf00000 (read 15 MiB from the loader-spare partition into RAM)
    • bootm
  • To configure auto-boot (in U-Boot):
    • setenv bootcmd mtd read loader-spare ${loadaddr} 0 0xf00000 \; bootm
    • setenv bootdelay 1
    • saveenv

NOTE: If you're going to auto-boot U-Boot (without the debug jumper) make sure to keep console output at a normal level. U-Boot loglevel 9 ("debug hardware I/O") can take so long that the watchdog kicks in while U-Boot is still trying to boot.