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Releases: neutralinojs/neutralino.js

Neutralino.js nightly release

09 Mar 01:23
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⚠️ Nightly build: This nighly-release may contain experimental features and breaking changes.

What's new

No changes β€” this version is similar to the previous version

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with nightly and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/lib@nightly
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/lib@nightly

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.6.0 released!

31 Jan 11:01
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What's new

API: server

  • Export server.mount(), server.unmount(), and server.getMounts() functions.

API: resources

  • Export resources.getStats() and resources.extractDirectory() functions.

API: window

  • Export window.snapshot() function.

API: clipboard

  • Add the format parameter to the clipboard.readImage() function format pixel data. Accepted formats: rgb, rgba, argb, and bgra.


  • Fix the slow loading issue on Windows by using instead of localhost.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.6.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.5.0 released!

28 Nov 08:03
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What's new

Core: initialization

  • Support client library source injection


  • Fix some missing type details.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.5.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.4.0 released!

24 Sep 08:00
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What's new

API: resources

  • Export getFiles(), extractFile(path, dest), readFile(path), and readBinaryFile(path) functions.

API: window

  • Export minimize(), unminimize(), and isMinimized() functions.
  • Add alwaysCapture and dragMinDistance options to the window.setDraggableRegion() function and improve the performance of the overall draggable window implementation.


  • Fix several issues with TypeScript exports and definitions.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.4.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.3.0 released!

26 Jul 10:00
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What's new

API: filesystem

  • Expose filesystem.getAbsolutePath(path), filesystem.getRelativePath(path, ?base), and filesystem.getPathParts(path) functions.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.3.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.2.0 released!

30 May 09:19
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What's new

API: filesystem

  • Accept overwrite, skip, and recursive options for the filesystem.copy() function.


  • Improve the window.create() function's option-to-CLI argument mapping logic.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.2.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.1.1 released!

26 May 07:01
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What's new


  • Fix the NPM package import issue.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.1.1 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.1.0 released!

22 Mar 14:32
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What's new

API: clipboard

  • Export new framework functions: clipboard.getFormat(), clipboard.readImage(), and clipboard.writeImage(image).


  • Separate type definitions into a new directory to improve project structure.
  • Add missing type definitions.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.1.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.0.1 released!

24 Feb 08:10
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What's new


  • Fix type declaration issues with the window global object. Now, window.NL_VERSION, etc. won't display errors on code editors or with the TypeScript compiler.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.0.1 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€

Neutralino.js v5.0.0 released!

29 Jan 11:00
Choose a tag to compare

What's new

API: app

  • Expose app.readProcessInput(readAll=false), app.writeProcessOutput(), and app.writeProcessError() functions

API: filesystem

  • Export/deprecate functions based on framework's v5 release. See framework changelog for more details.

How to update

neu CLI

neu CLI downloads the client library as a separate JavaScript file (neutralino.js or neutralino.mjs) and let the framework create a global object (Neutralino) or let developers use a module. Update the config file option cli.clientVersion with 5.0.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

Node package managers

Use the following commands if you bundle the client library into your app package:

npm install @neutralinojs/[email protected]
# --- or ---
yarn add @neutralinojs/[email protected]

Get started:

This release was auto-generated by ReleaseZri πŸš€