554 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- 服务器位于大陆时的一些问题及解决方案 by @guoyongchang in #14
- 自定义版权去除jq引用,添加wxpush示例 by @iLay1678 in #45
- 添加标签功能,默认主题可根据标签分组 by @iLay1678 in #53
- 调整状态卡片上下空白高度 by @iLay1678 in #54
- 修复详情面板透明的bug by @iLay1678 in #57
- 优化服务监控布局 by @iLay1678 in #59
- Add new theme DayNight by @JackieSung4ev in #73
- 新主题添加流量统计 by @iLay1678 in #75
- Responsive and UI update by @JackieSung4ev in #76
- Service page and Smooth transition update by @JackieSung4ev in #77
- Update service page javaScript file by @JackieSung4ev in #78
- Service page responsive update by @JackieSung4ev in #79
- Dev by @naiba in #80
- Dev by @naiba in #81
- 🚸 调整导航栏,太密 by @naiba in #82
- Progressbar restructure and UI design update by @JackieSung4ev in #86
- UI design update and JavaScript files formating by @JackieSung4ev in #87
- Add password page and UI design update by @JackieSung4ev in #88
- fix: correct minor typos in disk usage statistic by @Creling in #103
- 新增手动修改白天/黑夜模式 by @Bravoyk in #106
- 🌈 Modify the popup window by @Bravoyk in #107
- 🌈 Change background color. by @Bravoyk in #108
- Nezha brand logo update by @JackieSung4ev in #113
- WebSocket增加Ping包 & Actions构建镜像时用户名转为小写 by @Erope in #118
- 加强了中国大陆安装时候的稳定性和安装速度 by @Erope in #119
- Actions推送到阿里云上海仓库 && 安装脚本修改 by @Erope in #120
- Improve HTTPS certificate checking logic. by @techotaku in #122
- 解决国内镜像下载Agent缓存问题 by @Erope in #123
- Update OpenWrt guide by @Es-dese in #127
- 借用jsdelivr获取版本号 by @Erope in #130
- 面板安装支持ARM和x86 by @Erope in #131
- 解决排除网卡不生效的bug by @acgpiano in #132
- 修复修改密钥后,agent连不上bug by @ch8o in #133
- Bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.6.3 to 1.7.0 by @dependabot in #134
- 支持输入错误时删除 by @CoiaPrant in #136
- 修复LXC容器的读取内存和Swap错误 by @CoiaPrant in #137
- 在修改服务器弹框,显示agent安装命令 by @cloverzrg in #138
- 修复脚本无法修改agent配置的问题 by @cloverzrg in #139
- agent 增加 SSL/TLS 选项 by @lemoeo in #141
- ✨ 反向代理 gRPC 端口(支持 Cloudflare CDN) by @lemoeo in #142
- 添加磁盘空间获取的Fallback方法,应对OVZ无法统计问题! by @nickfox-taterli in #143
- Agent支持IBM-S390X和RISCV64架构 by @Erope in #144
- Add OpenWRT_Nezha Project by @Erope in #145
- Add SS Func to accelerate connections count in some Linux by @Erope in #148
- Update footer.html by @CosmosZ-code in #146
- Update header.html by @CosmosZ-code in #147
- Add theme-mdui. by @MikoyChinese in #149
- Update realtime tooltip and fix some bugs. by @MikoyChinese in #150
- Fix viewpassword and Add Network Traffic Statistics in service page. by @MikoyChinese in #151
- 添加统计周期单位cycle_unit by @MikoyChinese in #153
- Round check next time format to second by @MikoyChinese in #154
- 修复管理后台页面新添加CoverIgnoreAll类型服务需要重启docker镜像的问题. by @MikoyChinese in #155
- fix some typo by @AkkiaS7 in #156
- 增加代码注释 by @AkkiaS7 in #157
- optimize:移除两处冗余的代码 + refactor:优化代码组织结构 by @AkkiaS7 in #158
- feat: 通过传递客户端Cookie的方式使web终端功能兼容被Cloudflare Access保护的面板 by @AkkiaS7 in #159
- feat: 通知方式分组 支持将不同的报警|监控|计划任务的通知 发送到指定的通知分组 by @AkkiaS7 in #160
- optimise: 优化websocket数据包发送逻辑 加快首次访问时监控信息载入速度 by @AkkiaS7 in #161
- feat: 添加更多的占位符以支持基于服务器状态指标构造自定义的HTTP请求 by @AkkiaS7 in #162
- update: 增加TCP连接数与UDP连接数的占位符 by @AkkiaS7 in #163
- feat: 添加/修改通知方式时可选择不发送测试信息 by @AkkiaS7 in #164
- update: #SERVER.IP#仅返回一个IP(优先返回ipv4地址)| 新增获取ipv4与ipv6地址的占位符 by @AkkiaS7 in #165
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #166
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #167
- 新增win一键 (need PS 管理员权限) by @dysf888 in #170
- fix
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
by @hmsjy2017 in #169 - 提取文本到zh-CN.toml by @hhhkkk520 in #171
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #172
- 😉新增region判断 by @dysf888 in #173
- 提取全部主题文本到 zh-CN.toml by @hhhkkk520 in #175
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #176
- Translate the installation script by @Erope in #178
- 修改了一些文本和格式错误 by @hhhkkk520 in #179
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #180
- Update UserGuide_en.md by @MartijnLindeman in #181
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #182
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #183
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #184
- update: 使用 "ServerGroup" 标签在服务器相关页面 by @AkkiaS7 in #186
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #185
- fix: 恢复错误修改的Tag by @AkkiaS7 in #187
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #188
- 重写英文文档,优化中文文档,修复了一些文本显示错误 by @hhhkkk520 in #189
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #190
- fix typo by @Erope in #193
- 国旗颜色不够鲜艳 by @iilemon in #195
- Update theme-mdui homepage and some url. by @MikoyChinese in #196
- Fix README && Update Script by @Erope in #199
- py洗干净了 by @dysf888 in #201
- Add SELinux Check by @Erope in #202
- Fix SELinux for more system by @Erope in #203
- Add tls support by @GreenTeodoro839 in #204
- Add update before fetch by @Erope in #205
- Custom DNS by @Erope in #207
- Update README.md by @hhhkkk520 in #208
- feat: API支持 by @AkkiaS7 in #206
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #209
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #210
- update: 服务器状态API增加上次汇报时间的unix时间戳 by @AkkiaS7 in #211
- 更新README、删除旧文档、更新英文文档链接 by @hhhkkk520 in #213
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #214
- 删除多余} 水pr=,= by @dysf888 in #215
- Add CGO for Mac by @Erope in #216
- JSdelivr -> Jihulab by @Erope in #217
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #218
- Fix 修改main.js的版本参数避免缓存问题 by @Erope in #220
- 修改面板配置时不直接修改 by @Erope in #221
- 默认主题增加流量剩余显示 by @liuyanxi975 in #219
- 改进剩余流量显示 by @liuyanxi975 in #223
- Add retry times limit for wget by @Erope in #222
- Add timeout limit for wget by @Erope in #225
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #224
- 流量剩余显示增加详细信息 by @liuyanxi975 in #227
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #229
- 一键脚本语言跟随面板语言 by @Erope in #230
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #231
- fix 未能创建 SSL/TLS 安全通道 by @dysf888 in #232
- limit ps version by @dysf888 in #233
- Change bytecdntp to staticfile by @Erope in #234
- Add FreeBSD Agent For Goreleaser by @Erope in #235
- update: 未获取到country code时继续查询下一个API by @AkkiaS7 in #236
- 🎉 reduce docker image build time by @naiba in #238
- fixArchLinuxIcon by @KorenKrita in #240
- feat: 报警规则触发任务执行 by @AkkiaS7 in #241
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #242
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #243
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #244
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #245
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #246
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #247
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #248
- New Crowdin updates by @naiba in #249
- Improved translation of texts by @hhhkkk520 in #250
- feat(gitea): oauth2 add gitea support by @ysicing in #251
- fix: Gitee login error by @AkkiaS7 in #252
- fix: 更新导致创建日期归零 by @qcgzxw in #254
- 服务器备注支持换行显示 by @AkkiaS7 in #255
- fix: nameserver issue by @AkkiaS7 in #256
- Update install.sh by @coreff in #258
- Update install_en.sh by @coreff in #259
- Master by @fscarmen in #260
- Better support for archlinux by @dysf888 in #263
- 更好的支持archlinux by @dysf888 in #262
- Fix fatal permission issue by @dysf888 in #265
- Fix fatal permission issue by @dysf888 in #264
- Update service.html by @yuanweize in #267
- fix: 部分环境下启动时间锁定在1970年的问题 by @AkkiaS7 in #268
- 修正 Arch 的安装错误 by @1ridic in #269
- Create zh-TW.toml by @rootmelo92118 in #271
- update: 使用jsdelivr替代jihulab by @AkkiaS7 in #272
- Feat: Add jsdelivr purge step in workflow by @Erope in #273
- Update Readme by @cantoblanco in #276
- bump golang.org/x/net from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in #277
- 添加提醒方式页面placeholder少了两个逗号 by @colour93 in #278
- Fix: fix icmp ping & fix agent action build by @Erope in #279
- 效仿中文版shell给英文版shell增加中国IP判断 by @spiritLHLS in #280
- Update README.md by @cantoblanco in #281
- Adding an theme by @adminsama in #282
- Update es-ES.toml by @dysf888 in #287
- Update zh-TW.toml by @dysf888 in #286
- Update en-US.toml by @dysf888 in #285
- Update zh-CN.toml by @dysf888 in #283
- Update home.html by @dysf888 in #284
- Feat: 服务监控支持触发任务执行 by @AkkiaS7 in #288
- 新增文本的多语言翻译 by @cantoblanco in #289
- Bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 by @dependabot in #290
- 服务状态变更时清除静音缓存 by @AkkiaS7 in #291
- Update en-US.toml by @dysf888 in #292
- Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #293
- Feat: Add some parameters by @Erope in #294
- ✨ feat: add server-status theme by @unclezs in #295
- [agent] Alpine 系统增加 SSL/TLS加密 (--tls) 支持。 by @fscarmen in #297
- 优化中文语言文件 by @cantoblanco in #298
- 优化繁体中文、英语、西班牙语语言文件 by @cantoblanco in #299
New Contributors
- @guoyongchang made their first contribution in #14
- @iLay1678 made their first contribution in #45
- @JackieSung4ev made their first contribution in #73
- @Creling made their first contribution in #103
- @Bravoyk made their first contribution in #106
- @Erope made their first contribution in #118
- @techotaku made their first contribution in #122
- @Es-dese made their first contribution in #127
- @acgpiano made their first contribution in #132
- @ch8o made their first contribution in #133
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #134
- @CoiaPrant made their first contribution in #136
- @cloverzrg made their first contribution in #138
- @lemoeo made their first contribution in #141
- @nickfox-taterli made their first contribution in #143
- @CosmosZ-code made their first contribution in #146
- @MikoyChinese made their first contribution in #149
- @AkkiaS7 made their first contribution in #156
- @dysf888 made their first contribution in #170
- @hmsjy2017 made their first contribution in #169
- @hhhkkk520 made their first contribution in #171
- @MartijnLindeman made their first contribution in #181
- @iilemon made their first contribution in #195
- @GreenTeodoro839 made their first contribution in #204
- @liuyanxi975 made their first contribution in #219
- @KorenKrita made their first contribution in #240
- @ysicing made their first contribution in #251
- @qcgzxw made their first contribution in #254
- @coreff made their first contribution in #258
- @fscarmen made their first contribution in #260
- @yuanweize made their first contribution in #267
- @1ridic made their first contribution in #269
- @rootmelo92118 made their first contribution in #271
- @cantoblanco made their first contribution in #276
- @colour93 made their first contribution in #278
- @spiritLHLS made their first contribution in #280
- @adminsama made their first contribution in #282
- @unclezs made their first contribution in #295
Full Changelog: https://github.com/naiba/nezha/commits/v0.15.14