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Reorganize datasets, separate out subset
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anngvu committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent be7e67d commit ee83bd3
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 0 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions R/datasets_nf.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
#' Create datasets for Sarek-called somatic or germline variants results
#' Organize variant call files from Nextflow Sarek into 3-4 datasets,
#' grouping files by variant type and workflow with titles having the format:
#' "{type} Genomic Variants - {workflow} Pipeline", e.g. "Somatic Genomic Variants - Strelka Pipeline".
#' As you can see, this assumes that you want to create datasets that segregate Somatic and Germline calls.
#' This makes sense for NF because Germline calls can be treated differently.
#' This uses latest version of all files and creates a Draft version of the dataset.
#' Since we basically just need the syn entity id, variant type, and workflow to group the files.
#' Instead of getting this info through running `map_*` as in the example,
#' you may prefer using a fileview, in which case you just need to download a table from a fileview
#' that has `id` => `output_id` + the `dataType` and `workflow` annotations.
#' The fileview can be used _after_ the files are annotated. If you want to create datasets _before_
#' files are annotated, then you have to use `map_*`.
#' Finally, datasets cannot use the same name if stored in the same project,
#' so if there are multiple batches, the names will have to be made unique by adding
#' the batch number, source data id, processing date, or whatever makes sense.
#' @inheritParams new_dataset
#' @param output_map The `data.table` returned from `map_sample_output_sarek`. See details for alternatives.
#' @param workflow One of workflows used.
#' @param verbose Optional, whether to be verbose -- defaults to TRUE.
#' @import data.table
#' @return A list of dataset objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' syn_out <- "syn26648589"
#' m <- map_sample_output_sarek(syn_out)
#' datasets <- nf_sarek_datasets(m, parent = "syn26462036", dry_run = F) # use a test project
nf_sarek_datasets <- function(output_map,
workflow = c("FreeBayes", "Mutect2", "Strelka", "DeepVariant"),
verbose = TRUE,
dry_run = TRUE) {

output_map <-
if(!is.null(output_map$dataType)) {
data_type <- unique(output_map$dataType)
if(length(data_type) != 1) stop("Expecting one `dataType`, which does not appear to be the case.")
gvtype <- grep("(Germline|Somatic)Variants", data_type, value = T)
if(!length(gvtype)) stop("Data type does not look right, expecting either Germline or Somatic variants.")
gvtype <- switch(gvtype,
SomaticVariants = "Somatic",
GermlineVariants = "Germline")

} else {
# Detect genomic variants type from first path name
gvtype <- if(grepl("SomaticVariantCalls", first(output_map$caller_path))) {
} else if(grepl("GermlineVariantCalls", first(output_map$caller_path))) {
} else {
stop("Could not assign either Germline or Somatic labels based on main output folder.
Check whether folder contains mixed types or is not the right one.")
pattern <- "vcf.gz(.tbi)?$"
workflow <- match.arg(workflow)
datasets <- list()
for(i in workflow) {
dataset <- output_map[workflow == i & grepl(pattern, output_name)]
if(nrow(dataset)) {
if(verbose) glue::glue("Creating {i} dataset with {nrow(dataset)} files")
name <- glue::glue("{gvtype} Genomic Variants - {i} Pipeline")
dataset <- new_dataset(name = name, parent = parent, items = dataset$output_id, dry_run = TRUE)
if(dry_run) datasets[[i]] <- syn_dataset else datasets[[i]] <- .syn$store(syn_dataset)



#' Create dataset for STAR-Salmon expression quantification results
#' With a level-3 manifest that is created from `annotate_expression`,
#' calls `new_dataset` to make quantification files (.sf) into dataset.
#' Uses latest version of the files and creates a "Draft" dataset.
#' See `nf_sarek_datasets`.
#' @inheritParams new_dataset
#' @inheritParams nf_sarek_datasets
#' @param manifest A table of annotated data manifest from `annotate_expression`.
#' @export
nf_star_salmon_datasets <- function(manifest,
dry_run = TRUE) {

items <- manifest$entityId
new_dataset(name = "Gene Expression Quantification from RNA-seq",
parent = parent,
items = items,
dry_run = dry_run)

#' Create dataset for CNVKit results
#' Create dataset from all files in CNVKit output
#' @inheritParams new_dataset
#' @param syn_out Output folder called 'cnvkit'
#' @export
nf_cnv_dataset <- function(syn_out,
dry_run = TRUE) {

files <- walk(syn_out)
files <- unlist(files)
df <-, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
names(df) <- c("Filename", "id")
df <- df[grepl("cnr$|cns$|cnn$|bed$|pdf$|png$", df$Filename), ]
items <- df$id
new_dataset(name = "Copy Number Variant - CNVkit",
parent = parent,
items = items,
dry_run = dry_run)

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